Fletch your teeth!
The second day of the conference has started.
The key issues in the discussions on the UNCAC review mechanism are on the table. Two positions have crystalized, two draft resolutions are on the table. I will be trying today to get hold of them to put them up here on the blog.
While one position is very much in align with the position of civil society, key differences emerge around the key issues of country visits and external expert and civil society input, as well as the publication of the review reports.
One of the questions in the rooms today is if the financing of technical assistance will become the carrot for getting a review mechanism that includes these fundamental aspect giving it the teeth to effectively fight corruption? The discussions starting today on this issue may bring some insight.
Of course, there is much talk of compromise. All parties seem to be determined to reach an agreement. Maria Antonia Costa, Executive Director of the hosting UN secretariat UN Office of Drugs and Crime gave out the direction to “seal the deal”.
That’s why it is so important to ensure that the review mechanism will not wind up toothless.