Last September G20 leaders moved towards greater transparency to crack down on tax evasion. They promised a “new global standard” to increase the exchange of financial information between countries. Whereas today tax authorities have to chase information from others authorities if and when they suspect foul play, this new standard will require any jurisdiction signing […]

OECD moves forward on tax transparency

It’s your school: keeping Mexico’s education system transparent
Last December, 1,055 high school communities around Mexico – comprising almost 1.3 million students – engaged in a transparency and accountability exercise. This involves each principal of public high schools completing three electronic forms covering more than 100 indicators. These range from income and expenditure, to enrolment and academic performance, to the condition of school […]

Can children lead the fight against corruption?
In Liberia, my country of birth, the word “corruption” has become a political dagger that we hurl at those with entrusted power. It is meant to shame, alienate, and render the “other” defenceless, thereby exonerating the thrower from any personal responsibility. Yet, corruption is not a timeless tango between the public and private sectors alone. It is […]

How I learned to be honest in education
Years ago I asked myself, “How did I start making my own rules?” These rules were everything my dear parents would have frowned upon. I am going to tell you about one of those experiences that helped me make better decisions in my now adult life. I went to a public secondary school in Nigeria […]

Youngsters should not learn corruption from the elderly
On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day 2013, Transparency International Hungary organised the Átláccó Festival, a professional and cultural event with the aim of drawing the young generation’s attention to the importance of the fight against corruption. Young people learning bad patterns The “Youth and Integrity” conference on 9 December dealt with Transparency International’s research […]

Rediscovering the power of trust: the case of education in Tunisia
“I know I have a problem. It is all over the newspapers, everybody talks about it, but what can I do? I have no evidence. Can you bring me some evidence, please? Even better, just let me know what I shall do.” – A minister of education during an OECD integrity assessment about efforts to fight […]

El Estor’s women becoming gatekeepers of transparency
In the late 1800s a British settler set up a general trading store on the banks of the pristine Lake Izabal in the remote eastern part of Guatemala. The shop, being the only supplier of goods for kilometres around, drew a throng of support from the surrounding villages and soon the area around it developed […]

Malawi: tackling corruption for a development dividend
Malawi is facing a crisis of confidence. Aid donors, whose contributions make up 40 per cent of the government’s budget, have stopped signing cheques following a corruption scandal that has skimmed off US$250 million that was supposed to be used to help the poor. Not surprisingly, many people are asking what went wrong. What they […]

Youth writing winner: the battle against corruption starts from within
If young people want to see change in the world, they have to realise the battle against corruption starts with them – they must resolve to do the right thing. This is the message from Nigeria’s Ugoh Wilson Emenike, 23, the winner of our 20th anniversary youth writing competition. Emenike’s essay is a semi-fictional account of […]

Arab universities must admit the cost of corruption
This article by Elizabeth Buckner orignally appeared on Al-Fanar Media, a website featuring news and opinion about higher education within and beyond the Arab world. A report released by Transparency International, “Global Corruption Report: Education,” is the first report by the organization examining corruption in education. But the report hardly covers the issue at Arab […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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