The resignation of Sepp Blatter as FIFA President on 2 June was swiftly followed by a commitment to immediate governance reform, led by independent chair of FIFA’s audit and compliance committee Domenico Scala. Central to Scala’s mandate will be a review of financial transparency, as well as the proportional representation of influence within FIFA. This […]

FIFA reform: suggestions for fair and transparent finances

Advocating for FIFA reform – a sponsor´s perspective
There’s so much that’s good about sport. Next to family, I see sport and music as the two most important cultural influences on children. But the difference between the two is that the love of sport, the love of a team, the enjoyment to be derived from it can be shared between generations. It’s very […]

El lavado de dinero: un tema clave que no puede dejarse sólo a los expertos
A partir de mañana (Oct. 22) un grupo de representantes de gobiernos y expertos que pertenecen al Grupo de Acción Financiera (GAFI) – la Organización líder en materia de políticas contra el lavado de dinero a nivel global – se encontrará en París. La agenda incluye la adopción de un documento sobre un tema de […]

Money-laundering: too important to leave to the experts alone
Starting tomorrow a group of government officials and experts belonging to the world’s leading anti-money laundering organisation – the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – will be meeting in Paris. On the agenda is the adoption of a document on an issue that has major implications for the fight against crime, corruption and tax evasion […]

“Perspectives from the North” – corruption lessons for the Czech Republic
Why are Nordic countries seen as having lower levels of public sector corruption than other European countries? What experiences do these countries have in fighting corruption, and what can weaker performing countries like the Czech Republic learn? It was questions like these that our recent conference “Corruption-free society: Perspectives from the North” set out to […]

Learning to lead the fight against corruption
Last week many of us experienced strong emotions in a very short space of time in Vilnius, Lithuania. A group of people from different countries and backgrounds joined the Transparency International School on Integrity with a common commitment to make a change in society by combating corruption. I would like to share my own experience: […]

Anti-Corruption Day 2013: as it happened
It’s morning in Rome, and commuters are heading to the tube station on their way to work. Today, there’s some special entertainment in store for them – a short video with a catchy tune and a clear message: it’s time to wake up to corruption. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in the Dominican Republic, crowds […]

Saying No to Impunity in Zimbabwe
Transparency International Zimbabwe joined the world to commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day, which falls on 9 December every year. The festivities involved four flash mobs in four different locations around Harare. (A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act for a brief time and then quickly […]

Youth photo winner: corruption, toxic waste and the power of photography
Just one image can tell a story, says Sony Ramany, winner of our 20th anniversary youth photo competition – and these stories have the power to spark real change. “We need to show images of suffering and hardships,” he says, “so that people can see the truth”. A photographer from one of Bangladesh’s leading English-language newspapers, […]

Youth writing winner: the battle against corruption starts from within
If young people want to see change in the world, they have to realise the battle against corruption starts with them – they must resolve to do the right thing. This is the message from Nigeria’s Ugoh Wilson Emenike, 23, the winner of our 20th anniversary youth writing competition. Emenike’s essay is a semi-fictional account of […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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