It’s getting harder for Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue to keep getting away with it. The son of the long-serving president of Equatorial Guinea has been forced by the US government to forfeit his cliff-top Malibu mansion, a rare Ferrari and several life-size Michael Jackson statues, all said by the US Department of Justice to have […]

No impunity: the law steps in to investigate

Brazil: marching against corruption
On 24 July the town hall in Queimada Nova was packed. The citizens of this small town – which has about 8,000 residents and is situated 520km from Teresina, the state capital of Piauí – had gathered to listen to a group of volunteer anti-corruption activists who had just finished analysing the town’s accounts. This was […]

Why governance matters for development: critics listen up!
The framing is simple but the implications are huge: to end poverty, you have to end corruption. Transparency International has been using this argument since it was founded over 20 years ago. There now appears to be a ground swell of people from the countries which donate the most to development, who agree with us. […]

Corruption-busting in Zimbabwe: why being a woman helps
Saturday 8 March is International Women’s Day, and to mark the occasion we’re celebrating women corruption fighters across the world! All this week we’ll be interviewing some of the many remarkable women who fight corruption in our movement, and on Friday we’ll be profiling the women who spur YOU on to stand up against injustice. […]

MDGs: end corruption to end poverty
International anti-corruption day may have come and gone, but 9 December also offers the chance to look to where else the fight remains to stop the corrupt in their tracks. Nowhere is this more urgent than in the fight against poverty. “To end poverty, you have to end corruption” is a call to action that […]

Youth photo winner: corruption, toxic waste and the power of photography
Just one image can tell a story, says Sony Ramany, winner of our 20th anniversary youth photo competition – and these stories have the power to spark real change. “We need to show images of suffering and hardships,” he says, “so that people can see the truth”. A photographer from one of Bangladesh’s leading English-language newspapers, […]

Marching against corruption in Brazil: the final days
This post is authored by Lirian Pádua, a Journalism graduate who works as a reporter, editor, and photographer and is volunteering for the NGO Batra (Bauru Transparente), a member of Amarribo Brasil’s network. The 12th March against corruption that wound its way through the arid countryside of Piauí came to end a couple of weeks ago. […]

Marching against corruption in Brazil: Day Three
This post is authored by Lirian Pádua, a Journalism graduate who works as a reporter, editor, and photographer and is volunteering for the NGO Batra (Bauru Transparente), a member of Amarribo Brasil’s network. Between the towns of Caracol and Jurema, in the small neighbourhood of Pitombeiras we saw just what a difference water can make and […]

Marching Against Corruption in Brazil: Day Two
This post is authored by Lirian Pádua, a Journalism graduate who works as a reporter, editor, and photographer and is volunteering for the NGO Batra (Bauru Transparente), a member of Amarribo Brasil’s network. Hope is what drives the population of the small town of Cajueiro, an arid, isolated community in the southwestern corner of Piauí, […]

Marching against Corruption in Brazil: Day One
This post is authored by Lirian Pádua, a Journalism graduate who works as a reporter, editor, and photographer and is volunteering for the NGO Batra (Bauru Transparente), a member of Amarribo Brasil’s network. About 25 volunteers from a number of different organisations gathered today in Guaribas, a town of 4,800 in the arid bushland in the […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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