Transparency International Czech Republic has been monitoring campaign financing in the eight largest Czech cities and the results are not good. They show that nearly one-third of the parties monitored posted a near-failing grade for transparency. The recently published results show how secretive campaign income and expenses have become as campaigns get more expensive. Due […]

What does monitoring campaign finance tell us about Czech elections?

Lessons from the election: low levels of transparency raise red flags in Turkey
The citizens of Turkey made history in August when they elected a president directly for the first time. The question now is what this means for Turkey in relation to its commitments to anti-corruption and good governance. Looking back at the election period, we can see few positive indicators and some important red flags regarding a fair, free and transparent election […]

Turkey’s first direct presidential election: time for transparency
Citizens of Turkey will go to the polls for their first direct presidential elections on 10 August. Nearly 53 million registered voters are expected to decide between three candidates in the first round. Unless one of the candidates wins more than 50 per cent of the vote there will be a second round between the […]

Guatemala: La elección de Magistrados al Tribunal Supremo Electoral – ¿basada en méritos o en intereses particulares?
Inmediatamente después de publicar este blog, hemos sido informados de que las elecciones a Magistrados del Tribunal Supremo Electoral tuvieron lugar de forma inesperada en la noche de ayer. David Gaytán, escritor de este texto, comentó: El Congreso otra vez quedó debiendo la transparencia y rendición de cuentas. Lo hizo al estilo de siempre, tras […]

Guatemala Superior Electoral Court elections: swayed by merit or particular interests?
Shortly after publishing this blog, we were informed that the elections for the Superior Electoral Court took place unexpectedly on 11 March. David Gaitán, writer of this blog, gives this update: “Congress once again left transparency and accountability outside. It was done in the usual style, through contributions and negotiations in private and dark rooms. […]

Campaign finance: a quick world tour
With $6 billion likely to be spent in the US this year on the race for the White House, the issue of campaign finance will remain in the headlines for much of 2012 in the United States. Though the sums tend to be smaller in other countries, funding elections raises many concerns around the world. […]

What lies beneath: Switzerland’s opaque politicial donations
Reto Locher is a Scientific Researcher at Transparency International Switzerland. Following a new TI-Switzerland policy paper, he highlights the worrying opacity that surrounds Swiss political finance. On the face of it, Swiss voters get a pretty good deal. With referendums held as often as four times a year, Swiss citizens don’t just elect their politicians, […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
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