On 5 April 12 million Afghanis are expected to vote to select their next president. The leading candidates have expressed their fear of corruption on the day of the election: ballot stuffing, vote buying, impersonation and voter intimidation are likely to resurface as during the last presidential elections. An unfair election will tarnish the legitimacy […]

Legacy of corruption: a challenge at the ballot box and beyond

Guatemala: La elección de Magistrados al Tribunal Supremo Electoral – ¿basada en méritos o en intereses particulares?
Inmediatamente después de publicar este blog, hemos sido informados de que las elecciones a Magistrados del Tribunal Supremo Electoral tuvieron lugar de forma inesperada en la noche de ayer. David Gaytán, escritor de este texto, comentó: El Congreso otra vez quedó debiendo la transparencia y rendición de cuentas. Lo hizo al estilo de siempre, tras […]

Guatemala Superior Electoral Court elections: swayed by merit or particular interests?
Shortly after publishing this blog, we were informed that the elections for the Superior Electoral Court took place unexpectedly on 11 March. David Gaitán, writer of this blog, gives this update: “Congress once again left transparency and accountability outside. It was done in the usual style, through contributions and negotiations in private and dark rooms. […]

Elections in Honduras: is public security a priority for presidential candidates?
Honduras is one of the most insecure countries in the world with the highest murder rate per capita. According to the Observatory of Violence (Observatorio de la Violencia), 85.5 people per 100,000 were murdered in Honduras in 2012 – almost 20 per day. This high level of violence occurs in a country in which half […]

Le ras le bol des étudiants de l’université d’Abidjan
Quand le ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique s’est rendu à l’université de Cocody à Abidjan, Côte-d’Ivoire, en mai dernier, il a été reçu par des étudiants en colère. Invité pour un colloque, le ministre Cissé Ibrahim Bacongo est arrivé dans la matinée de lundi sur le campus de l’université de Félix […]

Students fed up with corruption at the University of Abidjan
When the Ivorian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ibrahim Cisse Bacongo visited the University of Cocody in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire one Monday last May, he was greeted by a gathering of angry students. He had come to the campus of the University of Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Cocody to attend a symposium. The students […]

Maldives: Vote Buying Challenges Elections in a Troubled Muslim Democracy
As the Maldives heads for presidential elections in September this year, vote buying, a culture of misuse of state resources, concerns about transparency and integrity of judicial and electoral processes, and unprecedented levels of political polarisation pose immense challenges to this troubled democracy, a pre-election assessment by Transparency Maldives has found. Vote buying One of […]

Armenia: Fighting back at the ballot box
On March 15th the Supreme Court in Armenia annulled the election results from Precinct No. 17/5 in Artashat, where I spent an unforgettable day in mid-February watching ballots being stuffed while I was physically pinned to a wall by a group of thugs. I never thought such overt cheating like ballot stuffing would happen. After […]

Venezuela: The State as Election Campaign Headquarters
Lea este post en español aquí. When is a presidential election free and fair? During the 2012 presidential campaign in Venezuela, the Alerta Electoral bulletin recorded numerous instances of public resources being used to support the president’s successful election campaign. For example, in July 2012 Alerta Electoral – which is produced by a coalition of […]

Malaysian Prime Minister signs Election Integrity Pledge
Now that the Prime Minister has signed Transparency International Malaysia’s Election Integrity Pledge (on 20 February), it is time for all of Malaysia’s political parties to step up to the plate and join the ruling party in upholding the Election Offences Act – an act that was passed in 1954. The integrity of elections is […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that https://apex.aero/2016/09/22/g...
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