Transparency International recently launched a report on corruption in the forestry sector. Dede Kunaifi, Research Assistant in the Riau Forestry Unit of TI Indonesia, and Claire Martin, Programme Coordinator of the PAC REDD Project, talk about what happens when competing interests for land collide. Stitching their mouths shut is one of the more drastic of […]

Corruption and Forestry: Once gone, they cannot be brought back
Manoj Nadkarni, Programme Manager of Transparency International’s Forest Governance Integrity Programme, highlights the irreversible damage that exploitation of forests by companies and governments can do. Is the forest sector more or less corrupt compared to other sectors? This is a question I am regularly asked, and the recently published Bribe Payers Index answers this and […]

The darker side of saving the rainforests
Claire Martin, Programme Coordinator in Transparency International’s Forest Governance Integrity Programme, introduces a project that reduces corruption risks in saving our forests. As a child growing up, one of the high-points of my year was the spirited wars I would wage against my friends each September, armed with just a horse chestnut, pierced through the […]

How transparency can protect Malaysian forests
Michel Gary is Programme Coordinator in TI’s Forest Governance Programme. In the wake of a new report by TI Malaysia, he discusses the urgent need for transparent forest governance to safeguard the country’s timber. Logging is big business in Malaysia. Stretching across more than half of the country, Malaysia’s vast forests don’t just define the […]

Countering Corruption Crucial to Protecting Papua New Guinea’s forests
By Michel Gary, Programme Coordinator in TI’s Forest Governance Programme Papua New Guinea (PNG) boasts 22 million ha of tropical forest, providing for livelihood and lush biodiversity, as well as about 150 million USD to their economy. However the exploitation of forests and the allocation of land concessions have recently received considerable media attention. A […]

Climate change and corruption in Bangladesh
By Rezwan-ul-Alam, Director Outreach & Communication, Transparency International Bangladesh. A month ago, Transparency International’s ‘Global Corruption Report Climate Change’ was released in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Since then, Transparency International Bangladesh has been working at both local and international level to keep up the pressure. It was fitting to launch the report from Bangladesh as the country […]

Addressing corruption risks in climate change mitigation and food assistance programmes – TI Kenya
by Nicolas Seris, Humanitarian Aid programme coordinator, Transparency International Kenya. Yesterday Roslyn wrote about climate change and natural disasters. This is particularly relevant in Kenya, where Transparency International Kenya and World Vision International hosted the regional launch of the TI Pocket Guide of Good Practices for Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations on April 14, 2011 […]

Why forests need transparency
The climate change report TI issued this week had a whole section on forest governance. Manoj Nadkarni, manager of TI’s Forest Governance Integrity Programme explains why. Recently, I’ve been getting a few inquiries about whether we at the Forest Goverance Integrity Programme have an ‘official’ view on the whole concept of the UN’s REDD programme: […]

In Cancun, REDD talks needs to address corruption
The United Nations climate change conference opened in Cancun last week to modest expectations. UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon; EU commissioner for climate action, Connie Hedegaard; and Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres have all said that they do not expect a binding deal this year on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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