Vietnam is one of the most attractive emerging markets for international businesses. Even though growth rates have slowed compared to a few years ago, they still look attractive in a challenging global economic climate. However, corruption risks and lack of transparency in key sectors are regularly pointed out as threats to competitiveness and sustainable progress. […]

Vietnam: young people debate business integrity

International Youth Day – corruption fighters in the making
Today is International Youth Day, and we’re celebrating the work of our youth activists around the world in their fight against corruption. These innovative and creative young activists show us that there are many ways to fight corruption and promote integrity. From street protests to taekwondo, here are 10 pictures of different anti-corruption activities worldwide: 1. DOMINICAN […]

Teaching integrity in schools: Lessons from Italy
How do you talk to students about corruption? This is one of the questions and challenges that we at Transparency International Italy tried to answer with their project “A path towards legality. My school adopts TI-It”. Since our founding in 1996, we have been implementing projects in the education sector, as we believe that the education […]

Slovenia: ‘Women’s voices must be louder’
Saturday 8 March is International Women’s Day, and to mark the occasion we’re celebrating women corruption fighters across the world! All this week we’ll be interviewing some of the many remarkable women who fight corruption in our movement, and on Friday we’ll be profiling the women who spur YOU on to stand up against injustice. […]

Youth writing winner: the battle against corruption starts from within
If young people want to see change in the world, they have to realise the battle against corruption starts with them – they must resolve to do the right thing. This is the message from Nigeria’s Ugoh Wilson Emenike, 23, the winner of our 20th anniversary youth writing competition. Emenike’s essay is a semi-fictional account of […]

Transparency International’s Summer School inspiring integrity across Asian youth
The annual TI Summer School based in Vilnius (Lithuania) is aimed at inspiring young leaders worldwide in fighting corruption in innovative ways. Running for the fourth year in a row, the school this year saw students from over 60 countries across five regions being paired up with experts developing local and regional solutions in combatting […]

A year of corruption-busting in South Africa
Exactly a year ago, in the clinical hall which once housed an infamous women’s prison, South Africa’s Corruption Watch was born. The imposing space was packed to capacity with political heavyweights, anti-apartheid luminaries, journalists and human rights activists who had come to welcome the launch of the first civil society watchdog of its kind in […]

First TI Cambodia youth camp in pictures: Empowering young people to join the fight against corruption
130 young people from 11 provinces and municipalities attended Transparency International’s first youth camp to learn from and meet with representatives of the Anti-Corruption Unit, a law firm specialising on transparency and anti-corruption, media producers, prominent youth leaders, motivational speakers and many more. In addition to the training and experience-sharing sessions conducted by these professionals […]

Anti-corruption day in Bangladesh
Under the slogan ‘Let’s fight corruption in the spirit of independence and invincible youth’, Transparency International Bangladesh organised activities both at a local and national level to observe International Anti-Corruption Day 2012. Highlights were a human chain in the capital and the opening of an exhibition of cartoons about corruption. Committees of Concerned Citizens in […]

Young activists: the future of social media in the Arab world
The onset of the Arab uprisings demonstrated the power of social media and its effect of people protesting for their rights. Youth were an integral part of the revolutions, with many grassroots initiatives springing up online in response to years of endemic corruption. In the search for more ways to use technology to fight corruption, […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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