Escrito por Samuel Rotta Castilla y Magaly Ávila, Proética (Transparency International Peru). Perú es uno de los 17 países considerados megadiversos en el mundo, aquellos que concentran el 80% de la biodiversidad y casi la mitad de la diversidad cultural mundial. 50% de las exportaciones peruanas provienen de la explotación de los recursos biológicos, y […]

Cambio Climático y riesgos de corrupción en el Perú. El Informe Global de Corrupción sobre Cambio Climático fue presentado en Lima

Climate finance in Bangladesh: Where has all the money gone?
It was slippery in parts so she took my hand, steering me gently from one dry spot to the next. The path soon gave way to sludge, punctured with bricks for steppingstones. Her house was one of a cluster of three clay bungalows, perched upon a shimmering expanse of mud. Visiting this woman’s home was […]

Update from Santo Domingo: Launching the Global Corruption Report
Climbing the steps in Hotel Meliá’s lobby, I was faced with two options. To my right, double doors opened onto a large conference room abuzz with men in suits. ‘Opportunities and Incentives for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Central America and the Caribbean’ read the sign on the door. To my left, Transparency International’s (TI) Dominican chapter, […]

Countering Corruption Crucial to Protecting Papua New Guinea’s forests
By Michel Gary, Programme Coordinator in TI’s Forest Governance Programme Papua New Guinea (PNG) boasts 22 million ha of tropical forest, providing for livelihood and lush biodiversity, as well as about 150 million USD to their economy. However the exploitation of forests and the allocation of land concessions have recently received considerable media attention. A […]

Saving the planet? Prove it
TI’s Global Corruption Report: Climate Change warned that complex mechanisms for incentivizing cuts in carbon emissions need to be governed properly to be effective. Krina Despota, contributing editor to the report, explains that this involves proving that carbon offsets represent real emissions reductions. The challenge of limiting global warming to within two degrees Celsius will […]

Climate change: rising waters, rising corruption?
By Alice Harrison, Communications Coordinator for TI’s Climate Governance Programme. Downtown Santo Domingo. Scooters dart daringly between towering SUVs. Huddled crowds spill from the windows and doors of battered minibuses, overtaking bicycles saddled with bulging mangoes. Faded umbrellas shield women from the glaring afternoon sun, while uniformed men stoop attentively over the young boys shining […]

Corruption, Climate Change & the Maldives
By Maurie Hassan from Transparency Maldives. On Sunday, June 26th, the national launch of Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: Climate Change, took place in Male’, Maldives. Many state dignitaries, the media, and major local environmental NGOs, attended the event, organized by Transparency Maldives. The function served as a starting point in the Maldives, for a […]

Climate change and corruption in Bangladesh
By Rezwan-ul-Alam, Director Outreach & Communication, Transparency International Bangladesh. A month ago, Transparency International’s ‘Global Corruption Report Climate Change’ was released in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Since then, Transparency International Bangladesh has been working at both local and international level to keep up the pressure. It was fitting to launch the report from Bangladesh as the country […]

Who is talking at climate talks?
Lisa Elges, Climate Governance Programme Manager at Transparency International, reports from the Bonn climate talks on strengthening civil society participation in climate governance. In March 2011 an investigative journalist in Bangladesh discovered that US $34,000 earmarked for re-forestation projects had been handed to an organisation that trains people to repair computers. This was one of […]

Emissions trading and bribery investigations in Slovakia
Last month Transparency International warned that 28 OECD countries were not doing enough to investigate and prosecute alleged company bribery of foreign government officials. Emilia Sičáková-Beblavá from Transparency International Slovakia writes about one of these cases in the report, which shows how the wide impact of bribery includes efforts to tackle climate change. This year […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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