As part of the Poverty and Corruption in Africa programme, Alfred Bridi supported a training on Participatory Video in Uganda. Here’s what he writes about his experience: As a member of the Poverty and Corruption in Africa programme, I was recently able to join six of our African National Chapters at a training on Participatory […]
Countdown to the Millennium Development Goals Summit
By Craig Fagan and Jesse Garcia Five years, 127 days, eight hours and 40 minutes. That is the time left until the Millennium Development Goals are to be achieved (at least as I type this – And in a much smaller amount of time – one month – world leaders will be gathering at […]

Why the MDG action plan needs an anti-corruption agenda
The word anti-corruption appears nowhere in the draft declaration ahead of the September MDG Review Summit to kick start action on the Millennium Development Goals. Why this should change. In 2000 the United Nations set a 15-year time line – the Millennium Development Goals – to tackle some of the world’s biggest development problems from […]

Giving voice to governance grievances
How do you get governments that claim to be preoccupied with more immediate priorities and issues such as political instability in the Arab world to pay attention to corruption? This was the fundamental question that began our day as I accompanied Chantal Uwimana, Transparency International’s Director for Africa and Middle East during an interview with […]

Extractive Industries: The challenge of disclosing where the money goes
From April 15-16, 2010 the board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative met in Berlin. Eduardo Bohorquez, head of the Mexican TI chapter and board member of the EITI, as well as François Valérian, head of Private Sector Programmes for Transparency International, were there (version française versión en español) April 16 marked a decisive day for […]

Cyclone season is corruption time
The following blog post was written by Florent Andriamahavonjy, Coordinator, Transparency International- Initiative Madagascar, Africa Education Watch Programme Team. For the past three years I have led the Madagascar section of the Africa Education Watch programme that is assessing primary education in seven African countries, including Madagascar, where I am leading the team that is […]

Anti-corruption Day: What does it stand for?
9 December is international Anti-Corruption Day. In Bangladesh people are getting together to shout Jago Manush Durnity Protirodhe Jago (Rise up people, rise up against corruption) during the multitude of activities organised nation-wide. In Indonesia thousands are on the street. Around the world, Transparency International is taking Anti-Corruption Day as an opportunity to commemorate and […]
Congolese activist convicted
The conviction of Golden Misabiko, a Congolese human rights and transparency activist, shows once again the increasingly difficult and challenging situation for activists around the world. Golden Misabiko, President of the Katanga branch of the Congolese human rights organisation Association africaine de défense des droits de l’homme (ASADHO) was arrested and convicted after being released […]
Anti-corruption leader released in Niger
The anti-corruption leader Wada Maman who was arrested last Saturday 22 August in Niamey, Niger, has been released on bail, along with eight other men who were detained on the same day. His arrest and the ongoing intimidation of civil society in the country continue to be a cause of great concern for Transparency International […]
Anti-corruption leader arrested in Niger
Anti-corruption leader Mr Wada Maman was arrested on Saturday, 22 August, as he was travelling through Niger’s capital, Niamey. Mr Maman is a Board Member and Secretary General of the Association Nigérienne de Lutte contre la Corruption (ANLC), the TI chapter in Niger. Mr Maman was going from his home to the home of […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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