With this post I would like to invite submissions from young researchers for the first ever anti-corruption research paper competition of the Anti-Corruption Research Network (ACRN). The author of the winning paper will receive a scholarship to participate at the 14th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) being held on 10-13 November, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand. But […]
Young anti-corruption scholars around the world: The ACRN Research Paper Competition
Transparency: A Key to Jumpstart MDG Progress
Time is not on the side of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of development promises made by world leaders in 2000 on everything from education to the environment. There are only another five years left to meet the ambitious targets, which include halving the number of people living on less than US$ 1 […]
España: Indice de transparencia de los Ayuntamientos
El 20 de Julio se publicó el Índice de Transparencia de los Ayuntamientos (ITA) 2010, elaborado por Transparencia Internacional España. Jesús Lizcano, Presidente de TI España, nos presenta aquí con un resúmen y los resultados del índice. El ITA constituye una herramienta para medir el nivel de transparencia ante los ciudadanos y la sociedad de […]
Giving voice to governance grievances
How do you get governments that claim to be preoccupied with more immediate priorities and issues such as political instability in the Arab world to pay attention to corruption? This was the fundamental question that began our day as I accompanied Chantal Uwimana, Transparency International’s Director for Africa and Middle East during an interview with […]
Anti-corruption Day: What does it stand for?
9 December is international Anti-Corruption Day. In Bangladesh people are getting together to shout Jago Manush Durnity Protirodhe Jago (Rise up people, rise up against corruption) during the multitude of activities organised nation-wide. In Indonesia thousands are on the street. Around the world, Transparency International is taking Anti-Corruption Day as an opportunity to commemorate and […]
What did the others say? Observations on the CPI in the media
The 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index has been launched. As every year, and maybe more than ever, it stirred a lot of needed debate and attention to the issue of corruption around the world. The attention the index received this year showed that the greed and lack of transparency that were at the heart of the […]
Corruption Perceptions Index 2009: What does a number mean to you?
Read about the Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 here. Read about the Corruption Perceptions Index 2011 here. For regional perspectives on the CPI 2011 results see here: Europe and Central Asia Americas Sub-Saharan Africa Asia Pacific Middle East and North Africa For a blog post defining public sector corruption click here and to read about our […]
What is a ‘conflict of interest’?
The financial crisis is awash in so many specialised terms that their sheer number seems to rival the amount of bail-out money being doled out to shore up the faltering economy. One word that is constantly being bounced around, from the Bundestag to the White House, from Wall Street to High Street, is ‘conflict of […]
New report: Connecting Corruption and Human Rights
Human rights and corruption are not always connected as being integral parts of the same power game of abuses – political, economic, social and cultural. Yet the ties between them have been growing stronger for too long as corruption is increasingly used as a means and ends to human rights violations: The stealing of oil […]
Have you paid a bribe last year?
Have you paid a bribe in the previous 12 months? This is one of the multitude of questions Transparency International asked more than 73.000 people in 69 countries to address, in the 2009 Global Corruption Barometer, published today, 3 June. The Barometer is a global public opinion survey that looks at perceptions and experiences of […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
- What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
- Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
- OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
- Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
- Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
- Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
- arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
- Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
- ksweeney1: I do not agree that https://apex.aero/2016/09/22/g...
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