As the first Arab country to have a constitution drafted back in 1861, Tunisia is again at the forefront of change as it takes its final steps in its democratic transition. The country that led the Arab Spring revolutions in the region is now – more than 150 years later – almost ready to adopt […]

Using technology to involve Tunisians in new constitution

La Casa Real Española y el respeto al estado de derecho
Noticias recientes indican que en Espana la Infanta Cristina ha sido llamada a declarar como imputada por supuestos delitos fiscales y de blanqueo de capitales, esta es una oportunidad para recordar a los gobiernos de todo el mundo que para que la justicia pueda hacer su trabajo se debe garantizar su independencia y alejarla de […]

The Spanish Royal Court and the rule of law
News that Spanish Princess Cristina has been requested to appear in court as a witness to her husband’s alleged embezzlement provides the perfect opportunity to remind governments around the world that in order for a judiciary do its job, it must be truly independent and free of political interference. In the case of Cristina, the […]

Corruption must not capsize a sinking state: shoring up the Maldives’ climate sector
In 2011 the then-president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, held a televised cabinet meeting underwater. Armed with oxygen tanks and waterproof pens, ministers signed a document calling on countries to slash their carbon emissions. Nasheed also pledged to make the Maldives fossil fuel-free by 2020, and announced his intent to buy land in neighbouring India […]

Truthful asset declaration a vital corruption-fighting tool
Many Zimbabweans feel that the lack of political will to enforce asset disclosure laws is aiding impunity by top level public officials in the fight against corruption, says a recent mini survey conducted by Transparency International Zimbabwe. This mini survey was prompted by the ongoing discussion and growing demand for public officials to declare their […]

Rediscovering the power of trust: the case of education in Tunisia
“I know I have a problem. It is all over the newspapers, everybody talks about it, but what can I do? I have no evidence. Can you bring me some evidence, please? Even better, just let me know what I shall do.” – A minister of education during an OECD integrity assessment about efforts to fight […]

MDGs: end corruption to end poverty
International anti-corruption day may have come and gone, but 9 December also offers the chance to look to where else the fight remains to stop the corrupt in their tracks. Nowhere is this more urgent than in the fight against poverty. “To end poverty, you have to end corruption” is a call to action that […]

Does fighting corruption really make business sense?
No doubt, business plays a crucial role in countering corruption. So as attempts have increased to motivate companies to engage in the fight against corruption more, so have references to the so-called “business case against corruption”. It argues that corruption is not only morally wrong and damaging to societies, but also detrimental to the companies […]

Defence: why it’s vital for countries to walk the anti-corruption talk
It is not just enough to talk about fighting corruption or even to sign an international convention outlawing it; it’s actions that count. But recent scandals in the defence sector show that, for some countries, the ride ahead is still very long and bumpy. Take, for example, the recent developments in the AgustaWestland scandal, in […]

Semáforos en América: ¿Salvavidas o decoración urbana?
Imagina una escena en Buenos Aires, Caracas o cualquier otra capital en América: Son las 10:30 de la mañana y estás en tu coche corriendo a una cita a la que ya llegas tarde. El semáforo está en rojo, miras a la derecha, no viene ningún coche, miras a la izquierda, nada… Podrías saltarte el […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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