Legal protection for whistleblowers living in the world’s biggest economies, the Group of 20, is patchy at best and needs to be strengthened to bolster the fight against corruption. The good news is that G20 leaders meeting in Brisbane in November can help make this happen. Ahead of the Brisbane leaders’ summit, Transparency International Australia […]

Anti-corruption compliance in Russia: a way forward
Tackling corruption and developing anti-corruption practices is becoming an increasingly serious topic for the Russian private sector. Recently, Transparency International Russia published the report “Transparency of Corporate Reporting and Anti-Corruption Policy in Russian Private Enterprise: Compliance as a Competitive Advantage” (English version here) with the aim of analysing the implementation of compliance policy in medium-sized […]

FIFA: how to win back trust
Recently FIFA vice-president Jeffrey Webb admitted publicly that FIFA still had a lot of work to do to repair its battered image despite introducing a slew of organisational reforms. He’s right. FIFA is often seen as synonymous with scandal and not just for football fans. It is the butt of media satire, Twitter wit and […]

G20 Meets to Act on Corporate Taxes – But More Needed on Corruption
The often highly complicated approaches used by giant corporations to lower their tax bills will be under attack at this weekend’s key meeting of finance ministers of the Group of 20 most powerful nations in Cairns, Australia. The G20 is expected to act to end systems where companies like Apple, Amazon, Starbucks and many others […]

Observing elections: Tunisia’s I Watch breaks new ground
In a month’s time Tunisia will take an important step towards its democratic transition. What most Tunisians have been waiting for will finally happen: the first free and fair parliamentary and presidential elections after the drafting of the new constitution. Following the heady experience of the Arab Spring nearly four years ago, holding these elections […]

A promising step in Costa Rica: now for the real challenge
On a Thursday night at the end of August, Costa Rican citizens turned on TV sets, radios and livestreams to find out what Luis Guillermo Solis – the recently elected president of Costa Rica – had to say about the first 100 days of his administration. The speech and accompanying report drew a highly critical […]

Un paso prometedor en Costa Rica: ahora comienza el verdadero desafío
Un día jueves a finales de Agosto, los ciudadanos costarricenses encendieron sus televisores, radios y aparatos móviles para escuchar las palabras de Luis Guillermo Solís – el recientemente electo Presidente de Costa Rica – acerca de los primeros 100 días de su administración. El discurso y el informe presentados dibujaron un panorama altamente crítico del […]

Philippines: Stories from the fight against corruption
What does it take to be a corruption fighter? What does corruption look like on the ground? We spoke with three inspiring women from our chapter in the Philippines – Executive Director Cleo Calimbahin, Administrative Assistant Diana Cristino, and Finance and Operations Officer Marie Quizon – and asked them what it’s like to face and […]

Working together to stop fake agricultural products in Uganda
Last month Emmanuel was in despair. His entire crop of maize had perished after he used a fertiliser product he now realised was fake. What could he do now that he and his family of six had nothing left to live on? In Uganda, the sale of counterfeit agricultural inputs is a problem that affects […]

Lessons from the election: low levels of transparency raise red flags in Turkey
The citizens of Turkey made history in August when they elected a president directly for the first time. The question now is what this means for Turkey in relation to its commitments to anti-corruption and good governance. Looking back at the election period, we can see few positive indicators and some important red flags regarding a fair, free and transparent election […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
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Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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