The continuing protests in Brazil are a symptom of a lack of political accountability. Politicians may be beginning to hear what needs to be done but there’s a long way to go. Josmar Verillo, vice-president of Amarribo Brasil explains why. Ribeirão Bonito, Brazil, 23 June 2013 – People power may be beginning to have results […]

Is Brazil taking a “U-turn”?
In Brazil, some members of the legislature are actively lobbying for a constitutional amendment that would make certain rulings by the Supreme Court subject to congressional approval. Not surprisingly, the current proposal by the Commission on the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship was put forward by members of the Workers’ Party, the main political group affected […]

Shame on you: citizens move to keep Brazil clean-up on course
When the Supreme Court in Brazil convicted and sentenced senior politicians for having their hand in the cookie jar – a case universally known as the Mensalão – diverting public resources for their own benefit, we had a notion that now Brazil had functioning institutions. The courts were for almost the first time seen as […]

Stop misuse of presidential pardons
This article has also appeared in the Korean Times and is authored by Kim Geo-sung, Chair of Transparency International, Korea. In many countries around the world, leaders have the right to pardon individuals. In some hands this is a responsible tool used to right a miscarriage of justice. But it can also be a political act that […]

A watershed in Brazil
**UPDATE** After a wait of just over one month, Brazilians found out last week that their judicial system is serious about sending a message that those in power can be held to account. On November 13 the Supreme Court in Brazil sentenced one of the leading politicians in the country, José Dirceu former chief of […]

On a Plane to Brazil
A few weeks ago I traveled to Brazil. Early Sunday morning I got on a plane from Amsterdam to São Paulo. My seat was in row 62, the last one just next to the toilets. This is not a fun experience when you have to fly for more than ten hours. As I sat down […]

Aiming for a clean record in Brazil
The passage of the Ficha Limpa (‘Clean Record’) bill is a milestone in Brazilian’s fight against corruption. Yet, its importance goes beyond the direct benefits which it will bring – hopefully, in the short term – to the Brazilian political system. The process of mobilising civil society that led to the drafting of the bill, […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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