The 2014 World Cup had it all. Goals galore on the pitch, surprise results, tears and triumphs: a cornucopia of sporting excitement for a worldwide audience of more than a billion, culminating in a deserved win for an exceptional team from Germany. But it also had a series of own goals off the pitch by […]

World Cup winners and losers

Efforts to educate players and officials about match-fixing must be increased
Six people were arrested in the United Kingdom this week on suspicion of match-fixing following an undercover sting operation. It’s not yet clear what games were targeted, but one player named is a former Premier League striker, now playing in a lower division. The fixer is alleged to have come from Singapore, the centre of […]

Time to wake up Trinidad & Tobago: the Jack Warner affair
Jack Warner is a big name in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) and in world football. He has been in politics and government for the past five years, most recently as Minister of National Security, and served on the executive committee of FIFA (world football’s governing body) and as head of the Americas football federation (known as […]

A bad week at FIFA with more to come
This time two years ago a barrage of corruption scandals hit the headlines about FIFA, world football’s world governing body. At the time its president Sepp Blatter promised to start a fast track reform process to “clean house”. Two years on little has changed. This week FIFA was faced with the resignation of one executive […]

Reaching a tipping point: the fight to beat match fixing
News released yesterday by Europol, the European police organisation, that football is the target of alleged widespread match fixing should come as no surprise. But the match fixing allegations, involving 15 countries, hundreds of games and more than $2.7 million in pay offs to players and officials (mostly originating in Asia), is shocking. What’s the […]

Tackling match fixing needs good governance
On 20 September the European Union released a declaration calling for co-operation between everyone involved in sport to stop match-fixing. Sylvia Schenk, Transparency International’s senior advisor for sport discusses why this is only a first step and what more needs to be done. In the past two years, the world of sport and politics finally […]

FIFA’s uncertain future
The good news to come out of the 17 July press conference of FIFA, world football’s governing body, was the announcement that there is now an opportunity for a serious investigation into past allegations of corruption. This must include the activities of Joseph Blatter, the president of FIFA, who has been under fire again this […]

EURO 2012 and match-fixing: An interview with Simon Kuper
Every four years all eyes in Europe are on one big event – the European Football Championships. Over the past weeks everyone in Europe seemed to talk about the matches, its players, but also about what it means for the two host countries, Poland and Ukraine, to host such a majour event. One big question […]

The pressure intensifies for real reform at FIFA – not just words
This week the Council of Europe joined the voices with those calling for FIFA, world football’s governing body, to start investigating past scandals now, and not just talk about it. In a resolution, adopted on April 25th, the Council called for a transparent investigation into the election in 2011 that saw Sepp Blatter reinstated as […]

Corruption and the true cost of hosting the Games
Big sporting events bring excitement, pride and trepidation in almost equal measure to the winning country. The fireworks go off, but so do the alarm bells. Will the event have a legacy and help develop the (sporting) infrastructure and the society of the host country in a sustainable way? Will all the money be well-spent? […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
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