Corruption is a well-known blight on daily lives of Hondurans: from the fear that organized crime brings to daily life to the looting of public funds by corrupt officials or simply the demand for a bribe from a police officer about to give us a ticket. We all suffer in different ways, but that doesn’t […]

Reporting corruption in Honduras: use our app!

The Americas: How 2015 was a warning to the corrupt
En español View the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index results We witnessed two remarkable trends in the Americas in 2015: the uncovering of grand corruption networks and the mass mobilisation of citizens against corruption. It’s no surprise that Brazil – which faced its largest-ever corruption scandal around Petrobras – is this year’s biggest index decliner in the Americas, yet […]

From Coast to Coast: cycling for a better school system in Honduras
Transparency International’s partner in Honduras, Asociación por una Sociedad más Justa (ASJ), is also part of a civil society alliance called Let’s Transform Honduras (Transforememos Honduras). In January, Let’s Transform Honduras organised its 5th Bike Race from Costa a Costa – Coast to Coast. I’ve worked with ASJ since they joined Transparency International’s global anti-corruption […]

Supporting security and development in the Americas
Last week, US vice-president Joe Biden wrote an important article in the New York Times to explain his administration’s plans to channel resources to support security, governance and development in Central America. Biden wrote that in order to sustain economic growth and economic equality in a region plagued by violence, poverty and corruption, you need […]

Elections in Honduras: is public security a priority for presidential candidates?
Honduras is one of the most insecure countries in the world with the highest murder rate per capita. According to the Observatory of Violence (Observatorio de la Violencia), 85.5 people per 100,000 were murdered in Honduras in 2012 – almost 20 per day. This high level of violence occurs in a country in which half […]

Improving education in Honduras: empowering parents
Lea este post en español. Meet 10-year old Betsai (pictured in the orange collared shirt). He is a small boy, with a big personality, who goes to the public school in the town of Quebrada Larga in Honduras. This blog post is part of a series drawing on articles from the forthcoming Global Corruption Report: […]

Mejorando la educación en Honduras: empoderando a los padres
Read this blog post in English. Les presentamos a Betsai, de diez años y con la camiseta de cuello naranja en la fotografía. Es un niño pequeño con una gran personalidad, que asiste a la escuela pública del pueblo de Quebrada Larga en Honduras. Este post es parte de una serie que recoge artículos del […]

Honduras: Nuevo mecanismo de auditoría social en el sector seguridad
Centroamérica es una de las regiones más violentas del mundo. Honduras lidera el ranking mundial de países más violentos con una tasa de 82 homicidios cada 100.000 habitantes. En esta región hay indicios de que el crimen organizado ha logrado infiltrarse y cooptar a la policía. Es decir, la institución estatal por excelencia responsable de controlar […]

América: Crecimiento económico, estancamiento democrático ¿Tiene la corrupción algo que ver con esto?
Read this post in English here Para América, 2012 fue un año positivo en muchos aspectos. Importantes indicadores económicos y sociales muestran que ha habido mejoras y existe una sensación de optimismo en general en gran parte de la región, especialmente en América Latina. Mientras que la reciente campaña presidencial de Estados Unidos se centró […]

The Americas: Economies grow, democracies shrink. What does corruption have to do with it?
Lea el texto en Español aquí For the Americas, 2012 was largely a positive year in many ways. As important economic and social indicators show an improvement, there is a sense of optimism throughout the region, especially in Latin America. While the United States’ presidential campaign, which polarised ideas and citizens earlier this year, focused […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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