The removal of fuel subsidies in Nigeria has hit the poorest sections of society hardest. Amid huge protests, the government has used corruption and smuggling in the oil industry to justify its actions. There are other ways to tackle oil industry corruption that do not have such unfortunate side effects. 2012 kicked off with the […]
Nigerian oil in turmoil

From Banana Revolution to Gorilla Election
387 Under the shadow of the biggest corruption scandal in Slovak history, the country’s parliamentary elections on 10 March offer the public an opportunity to get rid of old methods of doing politics in Slovakia. When Iveta Radicova’s government lost a vote of no confidence in the Slovak Parliament over the issue of EU’s bailout […]

Leaders out of touch? Elections in Senegal
Senegalese citizens voted in presidential elections yesterday after weeks of violent protests against incumbent President Aboulaye Wade’s effort to win a third term. Forum Civil, Transparency International’s chapter in the country has been working against the issues that threaten Senegal’s status as an established democracy. The following article was first published in the Huffington Post […]

A year in the life of the Egyptian civil society
By Engi M. El Haddad What a year… what turmoil of emotions … what renewed determination. At first it was elation. At long last we saw it happen. We saw our people stand up for their rights. After decades of being disparaged, harassed and made fun of, Egyptian civil society – small groups working on issues […]

Anti-Corruption Day in Bangladesh
On 9 December 2011, people travelling through Savar were greeted with an unexpected sight. In the midst of buses and cars, a stream of cyclists burst through the traffic, each wearing a matching green t-shirts and matching white baseball caps. At the University of Dhaka, a similar-looking group made a human chain in front of […]

Whistleblowers in Ireland
Paul Hockenos is a Berlin-based writer and consultant who recently visited Dublin to work with TI Ireland to give exposure to its groundbreaking programme to protect and encourage whistleblowers. German photographer Dagmar Morath accompanied him. You don’t have to walk very far in downtown Dublin to run smack into grim fallout of the financial […]

Civic activism heats up in Russia
Andrei Jvirblis, manager of TI Russia’s Public Activism group, and Gleb Gavrish, press officer of TI Russia, explore the ongoing events that have seen waves of Russians taking to the streets in recent weeks. Corruption is the major cause of political instability in many countries, and after questions arose about the fairness of the results […]
Nobel prize 2011: the role of women in the Arab world reform
On 10 December, Tawakkul Karman was one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize for her activism in Yemen during the Arab Spring. A member of TI’s contact in Yemen, Tawakkul was congratulated by our Palestinian chapter, whose executive director Ghada Zughayar, talked to us about the prize. Q. What does this Nobel Prize mean […]

Podcast: Elena Panfilova on the Magnitsky case and civil society in Russia
Two years ago, Russian whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky died in jail. The campaign to hold those responsible for his death continues. A year ago, Sergei’s mother collected a Transparency International Integrity Award on his behalf. These awards were created to recognise the courage and determination of the many individuals and organisations fighting corruption around the world. […]

The #spanishrevolution of the Movement 15-M
By Manuel Villoria and Mike Beke, Transparency International Spain In May 2011, thousands of protesters in Madrid came together to demonstrate for change in the political and economic and social system of Spain. The protests rapidly spread across the country and even crossed the border to various European cities. Organized through social media platforms, like […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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