Noticias recientes indican que en Espana la Infanta Cristina ha sido llamada a declarar como imputada por supuestos delitos fiscales y de blanqueo de capitales, esta es una oportunidad para recordar a los gobiernos de todo el mundo que para que la justicia pueda hacer su trabajo se debe garantizar su independencia y alejarla de […]

La Casa Real Española y el respeto al estado de derecho

The Spanish Royal Court and the rule of law
News that Spanish Princess Cristina has been requested to appear in court as a witness to her husband’s alleged embezzlement provides the perfect opportunity to remind governments around the world that in order for a judiciary do its job, it must be truly independent and free of political interference. In the case of Cristina, the […]

Spain’s new law on transparency a good first step
After a summer of corruption scandals in Spanish politics, the country’s Congress passed a new piece of legislation on transparency and access to information this September. Public tolerance for corruption had reached boiling point with companies, parties and even the royal family seemingly acting with impunity after graft allegations. The new legislation is now headed […]

Spain’s scandals indicate need for reform
Following days of intense public and media pressure, Spain’s governing Popular Party finally announced that it will investigate the financial activities of former treasurer, Luís Bárcenas, who the national court (La Audiencia Nacional) allege has accumulated an unexplained €22 million in Swiss bank accounts. On top of this, media reports state that during Bárcenas’ time […]

Fail Again. Fail Better: Reform of the EU Banking Sector.
Samuel Beckett’s exhortation to “fail better” could also be applied to the EU banking sector. Time and time again, troubled financial institutions have been bailed out by the taxpayer because they have been perceived as “too important to fail”. The ability of a large number of banks to benefit from excessive risk-taking without fully absorbing […]

Every Day is Anti-Corruption Day
Alejandro Salas is the Regional Director for the Americas at Transparency International. The following article was first published on Fox News Latino. December 9, declared as International Anti-Corruption Day by the United Nations in 2003, should be a day of concern and reflection for every citizen around the world. We are all affected, in one […]

The #spanishrevolution of the Movement 15-M
By Manuel Villoria and Mike Beke, Transparency International Spain In May 2011, thousands of protesters in Madrid came together to demonstrate for change in the political and economic and social system of Spain. The protests rapidly spread across the country and even crossed the border to various European cities. Organized through social media platforms, like […]

Corruption in Europe: Taking the pulse, prescribing reform
Paul Zoubkov and Helen Turek talk about Transparency International’s Europe wide initiative to improve national anti-corruption systems. Good governance, accountability and rule of law are among the key hallmarks of a healthy society, and yet right across Europe, there is a deep sense of frustration that key national institutions and actors are not living up […]

España: Indice de transparencia de los Ayuntamientos
El 20 de Julio se publicó el Índice de Transparencia de los Ayuntamientos (ITA) 2010, elaborado por Transparencia Internacional España. Jesús Lizcano, Presidente de TI España, nos presenta aquí con un resúmen y los resultados del índice. El ITA constituye una herramienta para medir el nivel de transparencia ante los ciudadanos y la sociedad de […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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