View the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index results If there was one common challenge to unite the Asia Pacific region, it would be corruption. From campaign pledges to media coverage to civil society forums, corruption dominates discussion. Yet despite all this talk, there’s little sign of action. Between Australia’s slipping scores and North Korea’s predictably disastrous performance, the 2015 […]

CPI 2013: Poor scores in Asia Pacific show economic growth under threat
The annual gathering of a majority of Asia Pacific countries at the tail end of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2013 casts doubt on the prediction that the 21st century will be the Asian century. Over the past decade many countries in the Asia Pacific region have achieved commendable economic and social growth. But have […]

Aid from China, India and Brazil: more transparent than the West?
The growing presence in foreign markets of emerging economies like Brazil, China and India is starting to be matched by development spending. China, for example, provided US$ 38.83 billion in “foreign aid” in 2009 – these are the most recent government figures and likely exclude other investments in development projects). Often, these countries eschew the […]

Wishing you a year filled with integrity
A New Year greeting sent by a friend reads “a wonderful 2012 filled with integrity”. A sensible wish for the year I felt, in the circumstances we live. Conventionally I could get what he meant. Yet deep inside it unravels a challenge associated with it: defining the parameters of what integrity means. The ultimate meaning […]

The bruised national pride
Rukshana Nanayakkara is the Senior Programme Coordinator for South Asia at Transparency International. The following article was first published in the Sunday edition of Ceylon Today on 20 November. For Sri Lankans, last Saturday dawned with the news of Sri Lanka losing its bid to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games to Australia. While my deeply […]

Sri Lanka: engaging people in the fight against corruption
In post-conflict Sri Lanka, gains in security and safety during the past 18 months following the declared end to the war with the Tamil Tigers, have not been accompanied by advances in governance and transparency. New laws have not been enacted and entrenched attitudes towards corruption remain unaddressed. This is the finding of a new […]

Investigative journalism: a Sri Lankan story
This week Transparency International (TI) representatives from more than 20 Asia and Pacific countries are in Delhi, India, for in-depth discussions and strategising on priority issues facing the region. On World Press Freedom day, I caught up with Rukshana Nanayakkara, Deputy Executive Director of TI Sri Lanka, to hear about the great work they have been […]

Justice, not excuses, still sought a year after the killing of Lasantha Wickramatunga
The following post has been written by Samuel Bakowski, working in the Communications Department at Transparency International. A year has passed, yet the investigation into the murder of Lasantha Wickramatunga has achieved nothing. Revealing only ineptitude, a growing sense of impunity, and a loss of public faith in the rule of law and media freedom […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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