As the world embarks on the ambitious global development agenda known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is important to have accurate measures of progress, or even lack of progress. Otherwise the goals themselves are at risk of becoming illegitimate. To track the goals, we need to have meaningful indicators that reflect what is […]

Giving people a voice: lessons from measuring corruption

Sub-Saharan Africa: Achieving ‘the Africa we want’ starts with the rule of law
En français View the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index results Sub-Saharan Africa faced a myriad of threats in 2015, from the Ebola epidemic to rising terrorism. Again and again we saw corruption exacerbate the causes of crises, and undermine the response. This year’s index presents a worrying picture – with 40 of 46 countries showing a […]

New milestone in fight against global corruption
On 25 September 2015, the world’s leaders assembled at the UN in New York and made a historic statement in approving 17 key objectives to focus actions across the globe to bring the core strengths of our civilisation to its real potential. The UN General Assembly adopted new global goals, the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” […]

Ending corruption, ending poverty – how will the SDGs measure up?
This week the United Nations will agree on 17 sustainable development goals. Goal 16 makes the case that fighting corruption is at the heart of delivering a better world. We have argued this case for many years and are beginning to amass the data to prove this. That’s why it is so important that in […]

Following the money: why transparent development finance matters
Different numbers have been floated around for what it would cost globally to end poverty, stop climate change and make sure no one goes hungry. These numbers add up into trillions of dollars. How are we going to keep track of the money to make sure it is not wasted, lost to corruption or mismanaged? […]

Sub-Saharan Africa: corruption still hurts daily lives
Once again, the Corruption Perceptions Index results are not fundamentally different from previous years: the majority of African countries still have a score of less than 50 per cent, which in our view depicts a situation of endemic corruption. In a continent with high level of economic growth rates (compared to many parts of the […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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