The often highly complicated approaches used by giant corporations to lower their tax bills will be under attack at this weekend’s key meeting of finance ministers of the Group of 20 most powerful nations in Cairns, Australia. The G20 is expected to act to end systems where companies like Apple, Amazon, Starbucks and many others […]

G20 Meets to Act on Corporate Taxes – But More Needed on Corruption

How the G20 could unmask the corrupt
The G20 leaders meet in Australia later this year. Pressure is growing on them to build on the commitments from last June’s G8 Summit on beneficial ownership. That’s an obscure phrase for an ugly truth: corrupt individuals from around the world are able to hide their money through complex corporate and trust structures, such that when an […]

Diagnosis: Healthcare Corruption
Two years ago a doctors’ strike threatened to paralyse Slovak healthcare. Over the previous years, healthcare expenditure in Slovakia had already risen to nine per cent of GDP. And while inefficiencies were widely suspected, the overall message from the strike seemed clear: Slovak healthcare needs more funds. Then at TI Slovakia we calculated that 21 […]

Austria should have the courage of its convictions
Austria needs to make its banks more transparent and join the international movement to end secrecy in the fight against illicit financial flows and tax evasion as Dr. Kurt Bayer and Dr. Edith Kitzmantel of Transparency International Austria explain. Last month Austria’s Chancellor Werner Faymann signaled that Austria is ready to make the country’s notoriously […]

Announcing the Financial Transparency Coalition
The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development has changed its name to the Financial Transparency Coalition. Porter McConnell, its new manager, explains why. When the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development was created in 2009, only a handful of experts were following the issue of illicit financial flows. The subject was […]
Money laundering – are BVI leaks a game changer?
Reposted from Transparency International UK The recent leaks of information about who actually owns the companies registered in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) offer a first glimpse for many people into this very murky world. For years, small amounts of information have trickled out – often through court cases – that indicate these so-called secrecy […]

#offshoreleaks: 21st Century Journalism at its best
Around 260 Gigabytes of data from ten tax havens, 2.5 million documents, 130.000 persons from 170 countries concerned – a mega coup. But some questions are still to be answered. Today’s releases regarding #offshoreleaks include everything one can expect from good journalism in the 21st century: Collaboration: 84 journalists worked on the story, coordinated by […]

Will Britain tackle tax evasion?
317 Pressure on what are alternatively called ‘offshore havens’, ‘tax havens305’ or ‘secrecy jurisdictions’ is reaching an unprecedented level. There are more than fifty such havens world wide, and governments are finally coming around to the idea voiced by activists that tougher regulation is needed. The economic crisis has lent urgency to the cause. Britain’s […]

The northern roots of southern Europe’s revenue problem
Reading about the Eurozone crisis in the newspapers, your natural response would be to think that Southern Europe has a problem of overspending. But it also has a revenue problem. The Southern European financial crisis and the envisaged tax Swiss-German law that would essentially launder illegal assets are two sides of the same coin. South […]

When it comes to tax, transparency is better.
Around the world, the income generated through taxes is crucial for a country to ensure that streets are built, hospitals and schools are run, and public services function properly. ActionAid UK today has launched a campaign looking at how and where these taxes are paid – tax justice. In the report Calling Time: Why SABMiller […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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