As victories in the fight against corruption go, the confirmation yesterday that former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi did commit tax fraud is a major battle won in a war that is still going on. Berlusconi was sentenced for a 2012 conviction that initially gave him up to four years’ jail with a five-year ban […]

Italy: Putting the brakes on Berlusconi’s impunity

Austria should have the courage of its convictions
Austria needs to make its banks more transparent and join the international movement to end secrecy in the fight against illicit financial flows and tax evasion as Dr. Kurt Bayer and Dr. Edith Kitzmantel of Transparency International Austria explain. Last month Austria’s Chancellor Werner Faymann signaled that Austria is ready to make the country’s notoriously […]

#offshoreleaks: 21st Century Journalism at its best
Around 260 Gigabytes of data from ten tax havens, 2.5 million documents, 130.000 persons from 170 countries concerned – a mega coup. But some questions are still to be answered. Today’s releases regarding #offshoreleaks include everything one can expect from good journalism in the 21st century: Collaboration: 84 journalists worked on the story, coordinated by […]

Foreign bribes in the Middle East & North Africa – Not just a regional problem
Recovery of stolen assets is a prime concern for Arab governments at the moment but what role did multinationals play in bribing former corrupt officials? A six month joint investigation published this week in British papers revealed that the country’s authorities have not been proactive in seizing key assets by the former Egyptian president Hosni […]

A glance at the Arab Convention to Fight Corruption
By Pr. Abdelaziz Nouaydi and Saad Filali Meknassi of Transparency Maroc, who give a brief overview of the Arab Convention to Fight Corruption — from who’s in and who’s out, to the types of crimes it seeks to prevent. Fifteen of 22 Arab States have so far ratified or acceded to the United Nations Convention against Corruption […]

G8 action on asset recovery for the Arab world
The G8 have just released an ambitious and comprehensive asset recovery action plan as part of the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition. It is timely and necessary to reinforce the momentum behind stolen asset recovery processes. The first step by G8 countries was to freeze the accounts of the authoritarian leaders Mubarak, Ben […]

No impunity for corrupt dictators
Angela McClellan, Senior Programme Coordinator in TI’s Global Outreach and Campaigns department, coordinates Transparency International’s advocacy work on issues relating to the Group of 20 leading economies. This week the G20 finance ministers are meeting in Paris. She helped organise sending a letter signed by 78 civil society organisations to the G20 finance ministers demanding […]

Asset recovery in the dock
This week senior members of the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) initiative, a joint programme of the World Bank and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime meet in Paris to step up efforts to find and repatriate stolen assets. Here, Daniel Lebègue, president of TI France, explains what his organisation is doing on this issue. […]
6 years, 3 conferences, no happy end?
Negotiations on the fourth day of the conference on the UN Convention against Corruption in Doha were long and hard. Governments from the two sides met last night and held discussions until around 2:00 in the morning. However, no final agreement has been found yet. Varying reports about what the draft text for how the […]

We’re talking about US $40 billion
Today, one day ahead of the Conference of States Parties, civil society is meeting to prepare with representatives present coming from East-Timor and Cambodia, to Argentina and the US. The preparations included discussions with the UN representative of the UNCAC secretariat, Elsa Gopala Krishnan, as well as government representatives. Lilian Ekeanyanwu of the Government of […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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