Slowly but steadily the review teams in the UNCAC review process are completing reports covering the countries in the first year – those under review since July 2010. Of the expected twenty-six first year reports, nine have been completed according to published information. UNODC advises that several more reports are in the pipeline and that […]

Slow progress in the UNCAC review process

‘We Have To Fight Corruption, Or It Will Defeat Us’
Transparency International’s Chair, Huguette Labelle, was interviewed by Benjamin Kessler for the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act blog. She talks about what she would change about the FCPA, why companies should make compliance a priority and the possibility that countries which score low on the Corruption Perceptions Index are hit hardest in the European debt crisis. […]

Russia confirms plans to join the OECD Convention against bribery
In 1999 leaders from OECD countries took a big step in the fight against corruption and committed to holding their companies to account for their behaviour abroad. Until then, bribing abroad to win contracts had largely been tacitly accepted and was even a tax deductible expense in at least 14 OECD countries. Under the OECD […]

A year in the life of the Egyptian civil society
By Engi M. El Haddad What a year… what turmoil of emotions … what renewed determination. At first it was elation. At long last we saw it happen. We saw our people stand up for their rights. After decades of being disparaged, harassed and made fun of, Egyptian civil society – small groups working on issues […]

German nurse shows need for G20 check-up
The Group of 20 major world economies made an ambitious commitment: In their Anti-Corruption Action Plan they promised to enact and implement whistleblower protection rules by the end of 2012, based on existing best practice. Doubts remain whether these commitments will indeed be implemented while the need for effective protection of those who dare to […]

What happened at CoSP4?
The UN anti-corruption conference CoSP4 was the largest of its kind to date. The results were disappointing, writes Gillian Dell, Global Programmes Manager at Transparency International. The fourth session of the UNCAC Conference of States Parties that met in Marrakech in October 2011 (CoSP4) was the biggest ever – with over 1500 delegates from 125 […]

2011 in words and pictures
An illustrated, month-by-month look at some of the top corruption-related stories and trends of 2011. January Mohamed Bouazizi sets himself ablaze in defiance of bribe-seeking police. The death of the 26 year-old Tunisian fruit vendor serves as a catalyst for a surge of protests that quickly unfurl across North Africa and the Middle East. We […]

Fighting corruption in 2011
Today’s launch of the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index, notes Christina zur Nedden of Transparency International’s Communications Department, serves as a timely occasion to reflect on our efforts to fight corruption in 2011. Corruption high on the agenda This has been a big year for anti-corruption work and public awareness of corruption has risen substantially. Unprecedented […]

The fight in Libya continues – this time it’s against corruption
Although the battle for democracy has ended in Libya, the fight against corruption is still being waged. Death threats continue against one activist, who remains determined to stand up and denounce corrupt acts as he sees them. The following was published in the Newsletter of the 4th Conference of State Parties to the UN Convention […]

Mexico and the G20 presidency: stronger leadership and anticorruption effort needed
Eduardo Bohórquez and Deniz Devrim of Transparency International’s Mexican Chapter reflect on their country’s efforts to fight foreign bribery and new opportunities for its upcoming G20 presidency. In the 2011 Bribe Payers Index (BPI), Mexico ranks on position 26 out of 28 countries with a score of 7.0 on a scale where 0 means Mexican […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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