$800 million. That’s the staggering amount of money said to be unlawfully transferred out of Iraq every week. Last month marked the ten year anniversary of the start of the occupation of Iraq by coalition forces. The aftermath of war and occupation has been ravaging well after the withdrawal of foreign troops. The US Special […]

Iraq’s corruption legacy

(Anti-) Corruption in the police: progress made and pending issues
Corruption in the Peruvian police has hit the headlines for two reasons: The Peruvian authorities have decided to start a rotating system of 80% of their policemen in order for these to be more difficult to get involved in organised crime activities; between 2011 and 2012 there were 6.000 policemen being investigated for corruption. Samuel […]

Filling the gap in defence training on anti-corruption
Anti-corruption training is not adequately addressed in the majority of countries surveyed in TI-DSP’s Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index. TI-DSP has been addressing this gap through Building Integrity courses which have been delivered to over 600 mid to senior defence staff since 2008. Two recent impact analysis of course alumni found this course has had a […]

BAE still needs to come out clean about its past
Magdalena Reinberg works with Transparency Austria in Vienna, Tiffany Clarke with Transparency’s International Defence & Security Programme in London and Christian Humborg with Transparency Germany in Berlin. They write about recent corruption allegations against British weapons manufacturer BAE Systems. As mentioned in TI-UK’s blog from 5 February 2013, the revelations in the Sunday Times show that it […]

América: Crecimiento económico, estancamiento democrático ¿Tiene la corrupción algo que ver con esto?
Read this post in English here Para América, 2012 fue un año positivo en muchos aspectos. Importantes indicadores económicos y sociales muestran que ha habido mejoras y existe una sensación de optimismo en general en gran parte de la región, especialmente en América Latina. Mientras que la reciente campaña presidencial de Estados Unidos se centró […]

The Americas: Economies grow, democracies shrink. What does corruption have to do with it?
Lea el texto en Español aquí For the Americas, 2012 was largely a positive year in many ways. As important economic and social indicators show an improvement, there is a sense of optimism throughout the region, especially in Latin America. While the United States’ presidential campaign, which polarised ideas and citizens earlier this year, focused […]

Police corruption: Would you confront your local law enforcer?
Corruption in the police force is the top corruption issue for citizens in many countries across the world. In 31 of the 100 countries covered by our global survey, people told us the police are the most corrupt institution in their country. Read the personal experience of TI staff who have faced the dilemmas of […]

Closed doors in Russia mask corruption
It was definitely coming, even inevitable. The final act began about two weeks ago with a raid on Rosoboronservice, state-owned company under the Russian ministry of defence and ended this week with the dismissal of Russia’s defence minister, one of the top powerful men in the government, presumably as a result of the investigation of the alleged fraud in his ministry. What happened in between illustrates how […]

Corrupción e inseguridad en Centroamérica: Sin transparencia no habrá soluciones
Armas que ingresan sin registro al país, pistas de aterrizaje clandestinas, cargamentos de gran dimensión que entran y salen por las fronteras y que nadie detecta, edificios nuevos deshabitados, balas que se intercambian entre bandas rivales, violación de leyes por las que nadie paga. Estas son manifestaciones del crimen que lamentablemente suceden día a día […]

Corruption and insecurity in Central America: There are no solutions without transparency
Arms trafficking; clandestine landing runways; large cargos that cross borders and are not detected; empty new buildings; bullets shot between rival gangs; impunity when violating the law. These suspicious activities and crimes occur in Latin America on a daily basis, and are even more virulent in Central America. Criminal activities make the lives of Central […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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