What is the real power of “access to information”? Recently in El Salvador the authorities confirmed that citizens have the right to ask for information on the assets of public officials. What happened next is a powerful contribution to the debate around the effectiveness of transparency tools for accountability and citizen mobilisation. Since the ruling […]

الوصول إلى المعلومات: فعل جماعيّ، أصوات جماعيّة
استخدمت فروع الشفافية الدولية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والمنظمات الشريكة اليومَ العالمي للحق في المعرفة لمطالبة الحكومات بوضع موضوع الوصول إلى المعلومات على قمة أجندتها السياسية. إننا نطالب بقوانين شاملة للوصول إلى المعلومات في البلاد التي لا توجد فيها مثل هذه القوانين، وننادي على نطاق أوسع بتطبيق أكبر في البلاد التي توجد فيها القوانين بما يمكّن […]

Access to information: collective action; collective voices
Across the Middle East and North Africa, Transparency International chapters and partner organisations used the International Right to Know day to petition governments to put access to information high on the political agenda. We are calling for comprehensive access to information laws in countries where there are none and for greater implementation where laws exist […]

Legacy of corruption: a challenge at the ballot box and beyond
On 5 April 12 million Afghanis are expected to vote to select their next president. The leading candidates have expressed their fear of corruption on the day of the election: ballot stuffing, vote buying, impersonation and voter intimidation are likely to resurface as during the last presidential elections. An unfair election will tarnish the legitimacy […]

Corruption must not capsize a sinking state: shoring up the Maldives’ climate sector
In 2011 the then-president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, held a televised cabinet meeting underwater. Armed with oxygen tanks and waterproof pens, ministers signed a document calling on countries to slash their carbon emissions. Nasheed also pledged to make the Maldives fossil fuel-free by 2020, and announced his intent to buy land in neighbouring India […]

CPI 2013: Crackdown on Middle Eastern civil society must stop
In the Middle East and North Africa, tear gas, bullets, office raids and imprisonment have been the hallmarks of state and non-state actions against civil society activists fighting corruption. The Bahraini government proposes a draconian NGO law; while Egyptian, Jordanian and other countries’ NGO laws continue to restrict NGO registration, freedom to operate, and international […]

CPI 2013: Traffic lights in the Americas – lifesavers or urban decorations?
Imagine a scene in Buenos Aires, Caracas, or any other capital city in the Americas: It is 10:30am and you are in your car rushing to an appointment for which you are already late. You are at a red light. You look to the right, no cars coming, look to the left, no-one. You can […]

Knowledge empowers: A Palestinian’s quest for transparency
You have the right to know! You have the right to ask questions and for public officials to answer your enquiry. Unfortunately, Palestine till now does not have an access to information law. This blog post is part of a series drawing on articles from the forthcoming project It Belongs to You: Public Information in […]

Fighting corruption with bumper stickers and public toilets: ambient accountability
Anti-corruption activists try to make those in power answerable to people. We call this accountability. NGOs try to make “accountability” happen by training citizens to audit local government or monitor elections, often using social media to report and collaborate. But when the initial enthusiasm for what are often called social accountability instruments fails or issues […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that https://apex.aero/2016/09/22/g...
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