Young people constitute a sizeable portion of the Asian Pacific population and tend to be particularly exposed to bribery and corruption as students, pupils, workers, customers and citizens. But young people can play a pivotal role in the fight against corruption, in Asia Pacific and beyond. While people from the older generation tend to see […]

Youths from Asia Pacific unite in the fight against corruption

Bangladesh factory safety in spotlight
On 24 April 2013 more than a thousand garment workers died when the Rana Plaza commercial building containing several factories in Dhaka, Bangladesh collapsed shortly after work began. A few months earlier, on 24 November 2012, more than a hundred workers died when a factory burned down in another part of the city. The owners […]

Fighting corruption from the classroom
For the students of University Laboratory School, 3 March 2014 was out of the ordinary. They had been told by their teachers over the previous few days about an exhibition of cartoons, which would be held at their school premises. And not only that, a quiz competition and anti-corruption oath-taking ceremony would follow – something […]

Anti-Corruption Day 2013: as it happened
It’s morning in Rome, and commuters are heading to the tube station on their way to work. Today, there’s some special entertainment in store for them – a short video with a catchy tune and a clear message: it’s time to wake up to corruption. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in the Dominican Republic, crowds […]

CPI 2013: Poor scores in Asia Pacific show economic growth under threat
The annual gathering of a majority of Asia Pacific countries at the tail end of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2013 casts doubt on the prediction that the 21st century will be the Asian century. Over the past decade many countries in the Asia Pacific region have achieved commendable economic and social growth. But have […]

Youth photo winner: corruption, toxic waste and the power of photography
Just one image can tell a story, says Sony Ramany, winner of our 20th anniversary youth photo competition – and these stories have the power to spark real change. “We need to show images of suffering and hardships,” he says, “so that people can see the truth”. A photographer from one of Bangladesh’s leading English-language newspapers, […]

Keeping their word: a look at politicians running on anti-corruption platforms
The international community is far less tolerant of corruption than it was only 20 years ago. There is a growing outrage from civil society and research has increasingly demonstrated the negative effects of corruption on political stability, economic growth and poverty alleviation. One could say that anti-corruption is “hip”. This trend is also reflected in […]

Anti-corruption day in Bangladesh
Under the slogan ‘Let’s fight corruption in the spirit of independence and invincible youth’, Transparency International Bangladesh organised activities both at a local and national level to observe International Anti-Corruption Day 2012. Highlights were a human chain in the capital and the opening of an exhibition of cartoons about corruption. Committees of Concerned Citizens in […]

Corruption and the fate of the people who make your clothes
Let the buyer beware: cheap clothing sometimes comes at a high price. Since the fire that killed 112 clothing workers in a Bangladesh factory last month, the big global retailers supplied by the factory are being asked what they do to make sure the products we buy come from safe factories? How much is corruption […]

Local communities fight corruption at the (grass) roots
Transparency International is a household name in Bangladesh, thanks to one of the biggest chapters in our movement. The efforts of Transparency International Bangladesh to engage people from all over the country have resulted in a 5,000+ strong volunteer base and tens of thousands more participating in activities and campaigns. Founded in 1996 Transparency Bangladesh […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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