The World Bank Group is currently undertaking an evaluation and review of its Sanctions System. That Sanctions System is an integral part of the Bank’s Anti-Corruption policy in that it provides a framework for punishing corrupt contractors, thereby creating a deterrent to corruption. A well-functioning Sanctions System is also important in helping to ensure that the […]

Review of World Bank Sanctions System: A Good Start but Additional Transparency Needed

How not to fall foul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
This week the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission published their long-awaited guidance intended to provide useful information to companies to comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The 120 page document has for the most part been welcomed by civil society organisations and defense counsels alike because of its comprehensiveness […]

How can business battle corruption?
President Barack Obama, speaking to the United Nations General Assembly about the true nature of democracy, mentioned corruption and bribery several times. I was particularly struck by this line: True democracy demands that citizens cannot be thrown in jail because of what they believe, and that businesses can be opened without paying a bribe. Unfortunately, […]

Bribery in Nigeria tackled globally, but not at home
Companies caught bribing in nigeria have paid billions in fines, but not in Nigeria. A nigerian NGO tries to find out why. One of the reasons why there are so many foreign bribery cases going on related to Nigeria (see box below), is basically that corruption in Nigeria is deeply entrenched in almost every area […]

Corruption without borders
Stories of bribery and its impact around the world, from Greece to Mexico. 39 countries are signed up to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, meaning that they have agreed to investigate and prosecute businesses that use corrupt practices when conducting business abroad. We will publish a new report on Thursday showing a rise in prosecutions by […]

Corruption and the Olympics
On the eve of London 2012, Robert Barrington, director of external affairs at Transparency International UK, ponders the corruption risks inherent in London’s staging of the Olympics games. The Olympic Games are a wonderful celebration of excellence in sport. But is there a danger that corruption may have tainted the Games? As London prepares to […]

After Wal-Mart: What best practices can limit foreign bribery?
In the wake of Wal-Mart’s alleged Mexican bribery scandal, many voices in the business sector are no doubt asking what companies can do to improve their anti-corruption programmes and avoid the increasingly long arm of US law-enforcers who are vigorously pursuing violations of the FCPA. This is just the latest corporate corruption scandal, and they […]

‘We Have To Fight Corruption, Or It Will Defeat Us’
Transparency International’s Chair, Huguette Labelle, was interviewed by Benjamin Kessler for the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act blog. She talks about what she would change about the FCPA, why companies should make compliance a priority and the possibility that countries which score low on the Corruption Perceptions Index are hit hardest in the European debt crisis. […]
Enforcing foreign bribery: notes on some of the key issues (part 2)
Gillian Dell, Programme Manager for Transparency International’s programme on international anti-corruption conventions joined the International Bar Association conference on foreign bribery enforcemen in Prague from 20-22 September. Here’s the second part of what she learnt: Considerable attention was given to the new UK Bribery Act. That’s the UK law that introduces strict liability for companies […]
The new bribery act: are UK companies ready?
This post has been written by Chandrashekhar Krishnan, Executive Director, Transparency International UK. On 9th April, a new Bribery Act was passed into law. This will help to restore the UK’s reputation for taking corruption seriously by ensuring the UK is compliant with the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. It also sends out a strong message to […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
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Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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