Vietnam is one of the most attractive emerging markets for international businesses. Even though growth rates have slowed compared to a few years ago, they still look attractive in a challenging global economic climate. However, corruption risks and lack of transparency in key sectors are regularly pointed out as threats to competitiveness and sustainable progress. […]

Vietnam: young people debate business integrity

International Youth Day – corruption fighters in the making
Today is International Youth Day, and we’re celebrating the work of our youth activists around the world in their fight against corruption. These innovative and creative young activists show us that there are many ways to fight corruption and promote integrity. From street protests to taekwondo, here are 10 pictures of different anti-corruption activities worldwide: 1. DOMINICAN […]

How I learned to be honest in education
Years ago I asked myself, “How did I start making my own rules?” These rules were everything my dear parents would have frowned upon. I am going to tell you about one of those experiences that helped me make better decisions in my now adult life. I went to a public secondary school in Nigeria […]

Sweating because of corruption
Attending a Youth anti-corruption award ceremony at the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission in Korea turned out to be a sweaty event. Normally, travelling in Asia as soon as you enter a public building temperatures drop to below 20 degrees and one worries about catching a cold. Not this time. Last week, South Korea ordered […]

Keeping their word: a look at politicians running on anti-corruption platforms
The international community is far less tolerant of corruption than it was only 20 years ago. There is a growing outrage from civil society and research has increasingly demonstrated the negative effects of corruption on political stability, economic growth and poverty alleviation. One could say that anti-corruption is “hip”. This trend is also reflected in […]

Curaçao: small island, big challenges?
Imagine an island around 250 kilometres north of Venezuela, where you can find idyllic beaches, pastel coloured colonial Dutch architechture, iguana soup and copius amounts of a lurid blue coloured liqueur. This is Curaçao, one of the newest countries in the Americas and home to a population of just 150,000 people. Put in context, that’s […]

Malaysian Prime Minister signs Election Integrity Pledge
Now that the Prime Minister has signed Transparency International Malaysia’s Election Integrity Pledge (on 20 February), it is time for all of Malaysia’s political parties to step up to the plate and join the ruling party in upholding the Election Offences Act – an act that was passed in 1954. The integrity of elections is […]

Codes of conduct: benefits and challenges
What are the benefits of a code of conduct? Ensuring better conduct by public officials is integral to building greater integrity. This is the logic behind having a code of conduct. This post is part of our series on codes of conduct. To read the first post in the series, click here. Also, be sure […]

The profitability of not being corrupt
The following article was first published on Fox News Latino. From a strictly rational point of view, a person decides to get involved in corruption for personal advantage, usually financial profit. The less likely it is that the corrupt act will be discovered and sanctioned – and the greater the potential profit – the more likely it […]

Wishing you a year filled with integrity
A New Year greeting sent by a friend reads “a wonderful 2012 filled with integrity”. A sensible wish for the year I felt, in the circumstances we live. Conventionally I could get what he meant. Yet deep inside it unravels a challenge associated with it: defining the parameters of what integrity means. The ultimate meaning […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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