Stories of bribery and its impact around the world, from Greece to Mexico. 39 countries are signed up to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, meaning that they have agreed to investigate and prosecute businesses that use corrupt practices when conducting business abroad. We will publish a new report on Thursday showing a rise in prosecutions by […]

Corruption without borders

En la búsqueda del próximo líder de Venezuela
Escrito por Alejandro Salas, Director Regional para las Américas y Natalie Baharav, Coordinadora de Comunicaciones de Transparency International. Read this blog post in English here. El próximo 7 de octubre Venezuela elegirá a su líder para los próximos 6 años. El principal contrincante de Hugo Chávez es Henrique Capriles, candidato de la oposición y gobernador […]

In the quest for Venezuela’s next leader
The following was written by Alejandro Salas, Transparency International’s Regional Director for the Americas, and Natalie Baharav, Communications Officer at Transparency International. Lea este artículo en español aquí. Presidential elections will take place in Venezuela on 7 October determining who will lead the country for the next six years. Hugo Chavez’ main challenger to the […]

What role will Mexico’s future President play?
Mexico will have a new… Puppet? Statesman? Reformer? Luddite? Maverick? Dinosaur? The question is hard to answer. The country will have a new president in December, but what role will he play? The election campaign in Mexico was long and intense. It allowed those of us who followed it from within Mexico or abroad to […]

Wanted: A replacement for “petty”
Eduardo Bohorquez and Deniz Devrim of Transparencia Mexicana, our national chapter in Mexico, recently published an article arguing for the abolishment of the word “petty” in the term “petty bribery”. They point out that petty bribery in fact generates substantial costs to society, both monetary and non-monetary. For example, surveys find that in Mexico households […]

G20: Tackling tax evasion?
This week the heads of state from the G20 are meeting in Mexico, where we hope they will take action to meet their 2009 promise to end bank secrecy. One step already taken is making tax evasion a predicate offence for money laundering. What does that mean? Money laundering is defined as taking the proceeds […]

A bribery scheme to win market dominance in Mexico?
Over the weekend, the New York Times alleged that Wal-Mart deliberately hid investigations into bribery practices at the company’s largest foreign subsidiary, Wal-Mart de Mexico. Wal-Mart is Mexico’s largest private sector employer with currently 209,000 employees. Allegedly there is a paper trail that includes hundreds of suspect payments worth more 24 million USD in total. […]

The profitability of not being corrupt
The following article was first published on Fox News Latino. From a strictly rational point of view, a person decides to get involved in corruption for personal advantage, usually financial profit. The less likely it is that the corrupt act will be discovered and sanctioned – and the greater the potential profit – the more likely it […]

Has Dilma Rousseff found the anti-corruption formula for Latin America?
I was quite impressed when I heard that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff concluded her first year in government a few days ago with an approval rating higher than that of her predecessor, the charismatic Lula da Silva. Her popularity is currently close to 75 percent. Her government’s approval is at 56 percent, which is even […]

Every Day is Anti-Corruption Day
Alejandro Salas is the Regional Director for the Americas at Transparency International. The following article was first published on Fox News Latino. December 9, declared as International Anti-Corruption Day by the United Nations in 2003, should be a day of concern and reflection for every citizen around the world. We are all affected, in one […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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