استخدمت فروع الشفافية الدولية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والمنظمات الشريكة اليومَ العالمي للحق في المعرفة لمطالبة الحكومات بوضع موضوع الوصول إلى المعلومات على قمة أجندتها السياسية. إننا نطالب بقوانين شاملة للوصول إلى المعلومات في البلاد التي لا توجد فيها مثل هذه القوانين، وننادي على نطاق أوسع بتطبيق أكبر في البلاد التي توجد فيها القوانين بما يمكّن […]

الوصول إلى المعلومات: فعل جماعيّ، أصوات جماعيّة

Access to information: collective action; collective voices
Across the Middle East and North Africa, Transparency International chapters and partner organisations used the International Right to Know day to petition governments to put access to information high on the political agenda. We are calling for comprehensive access to information laws in countries where there are none and for greater implementation where laws exist […]

International Youth Day – corruption fighters in the making
Today is International Youth Day, and we’re celebrating the work of our youth activists around the world in their fight against corruption. These innovative and creative young activists show us that there are many ways to fight corruption and promote integrity. From street protests to taekwondo, here are 10 pictures of different anti-corruption activities worldwide: 1. DOMINICAN […]

Moroccan whistleblowers: The public’s conscience
For most of us, changing corrupt dealings we experience every day remains insurmountable. We are often afraid what will happen to us if we do report corruption. Those who do come forward often bear great personal risks. That is why the UN Convention against Corruption, which our kingdom has ratified, affords whistleblowers a special status […]

How to fight corruption with online tools: best practice from Morocco
There was a general feeling of excitement and optimism about the new role of technology to promote transparency and accountability at the Transparency International SpeakUp! event which I attended in March 2013. There was quite a buzz about online denunciation tools in particular, and different Transparency International chapters are looking into ways to embrace new […]

Beating bribery: International Anticorruption Day in Morocco
Drummers and dancers filled the streets of Casablanca as part of International Anticorruption Day festivities organized by our chapter Transparency Maroc. In a youth led project called Paroles urgentes or fast words to raise awareness about corruption through music, dance and theatre hundreds of people turned out to support this message. The street theatre facilitators […]

Morocco’s youth prepares for Anti-Corruption Day 2012
Gearing up to International Anti-Corruption Day (9 December), Transparency Morocco is using art to work with youth in raising awareness about anticorruption. Paroles Urgentes is an artistic combination of street theatre, breakdancing, slam poetry and music. See an ad for the event organised by our Chapter below: Meaning ‘fast words’ the project refers to the […]

The Arab Spring: one year on – part two
The following is an excerpt from an article published by the Huffington Post. A year ago, Tunisians were in the process of bringing down a corrupt leader. It all started on 17 December 2010 when Tunisian fruit-seller Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire outside the building of the local officials who had abused him. With […]

Moroccan fruit seller fights corruption
One year after the death of Mohamed Bouazizi, Transparency Maroc has honoured another market vendor, Mourad Kartoumi, for his contribution to fighting corruption. Transparency International’s press intern Rosie Slater tells his story. It will be a year ago tomorrow that Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian vegetable seller, set himself on fire. Our vice chair Akere Muna […]

What do we know about stolen assets in the Middle East?
Elizabeth Johnson is an intern in Transparency International’s Research and Knowledge Department The 2011 turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa has illuminated the issue of stolen assets. The publicly available figures on this issue are startling, even while concrete numbers have been difficult to find because monies are moved illicitly through shadow operations […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that https://apex.aero/2016/09/22/g...
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