For a Russian, waiting for the Olympics to begin is not easy. There are many conflicting emotions and questions. Is it right to ban some but not all athletes? Do we blame our Ministry of Sport for devising a doping programme and cover-up, the International Olympic Committee or the World Anti-Doping Agency? Is it only […]

Taking charge of ethics at the International Olympic Committee
The International Olympic Committee is meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week to announce the host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics (Beijing beat Almaty) and review progress on its 2020 reform agenda among other issues. Pâquerette Girard Zappelli is the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and also a member […]

Mega-event hosting by the world’s rising powers – more pitfalls than promises?
The geography of sport mega-event hosting is changing significantly, as several mega-event researchers had predicted, and we now see more prospective hosts from the Global South and East. Many of them are industrialising, rather than advanced economies, which raises the question why they would want to invest vast volumes of capital to stage an event […]

Brazil emerging
Two nations now have the uncommon fortune of consecutively hosting the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games: Russia, and Brazil. This article will focus on Brazil, which saw the Brazilian people taking to the streets, exercising their right to protest corruption; in response, the Brazilian legislature has enacted substantial new anti-corruption laws; and enforcement […]

Olympic integrity
Stick to the rules, try hard and play fair: three simple injunctions that capture the essence of Olympic spirit and the message of the anti-corruption movement. It’s not surprising that sport and the Olympics are used to inspire young people and to promote integrity. But sport has a darker side, too, and with 10,500 athletes […]

Transparency International Russia follows the money in the €100 billion state procurement sector
The following was written by Gleb Gavrish, Press Officer, and Andre Jvirblis, Head of the Civic Activism Group, at Transparency International Russia. Under a new law, companies in Russia’s mаssive state-owned business sector must now publish rules for purchasing and service contracts, and report all public contracts worth 2500 Euros or more. Transparency International Russia […]

Corruption and the true cost of hosting the Games
Big sporting events bring excitement, pride and trepidation in almost equal measure to the winning country. The fireworks go off, but so do the alarm bells. Will the event have a legacy and help develop the (sporting) infrastructure and the society of the host country in a sustainable way? Will all the money be well-spent? […]

Will the World Cup and Olympics bring more corruption to Brazil?
By Sophie Amelia Mendes from the IACC team, and Stella Borzilo, from the Americas department, at Transparency International. For a few days every year since 2001, dozens of people marching through the towns and villages of the arid Brazilian North East. These are the people who are speaking out against corruption in Brazil, taking part […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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