Some time ago I argued on this blog that looking back into history provides a very promising source for inspiration and innovation in the fight against corruption. Many things we consider new to modern government, such as measures managing conflicts of interest and insulating decision-making from policy capture were foreshadowed by and startlingly resemble many […]
History matters II – what stone carvings and magic lanterns have to do with fighting corruption
Back to the future: the big and bad e-government 1.0 attention void
Imagine you are an NGO lobbying your government to clean up one of the most notorious areas for corruption: public procurement. In response the government declares that a centrepiece of its anti-corruption strategy will be an electronic procurement system that will make corrupt interference all but impossible. What do you do? Do you applaud this move? How about […]
Young activists: the future of social media in the Arab world
The onset of the Arab uprisings demonstrated the power of social media and its effect of people protesting for their rights. Youth were an integral part of the revolutions, with many grassroots initiatives springing up online in response to years of endemic corruption. In the search for more ways to use technology to fight corruption, […]
Hackers fighting Corruption?
What comes to your mind when you hear the word hacker? Most of us think hackers are hacking computer security systems to steal important and confidential information. It is only partially true, since there are hackers who contribute real solutions to social problems such as corruption. When we asked participants of the global Transparency International […]
Keeping elections clean: TI-Malaysia launches Election Integrity Pledge
Uncontrolled and unchecked spending and a culture of money politics can disrupt the proper functioning of Malaysia’s political system. For example, Transparency International Malaysia’s research on political financing shows that the party leading the ruling coalition held assets of more than EUR 350 million in 2004. The EUR 50,000 limit on campaign spending is rarely […]
The people speak out ahead of Russian election
Ahead of the presidential elections taking place in Russia this Sunday we interviewed Elena Panfilova, Board Member of Transparency International and Director of our Russian Chapter. Where is the greatest change needed in Russia today? Russia needs competition to return to all spheres of public life; particularly in politics, in the economy and in the […]
Latin American elections: How to use social media to promote transparency
Marta Erquicia, Senior Programme Coordinator in the Americas Department of Transparency International, explains how new technologies can be used to oversee political processes. Several presidential, regional and municipal elections were held between October and November in Latin America: In Argentina, Cristina Kirchner won by an overwhelming majority; in Guatemala, for the first time after the […]
Will “Occupy Wall St” conquer hearts and minds?
Zoe Reiter is Senior Programme Coordinator in Transparency International’s Americas Department. As the Wall Street protests grow, she considers the challenges facing the movement. A friend of mine sent me a photo of her and her newborn occupying a park in Wall Street. This friend is well-to-do and while her leanings have always veered to […]
![people protesting](../../wp-content/uploads/2011/09/spain_pic2-100x100.jpg)
The #spanishrevolution of the Movement 15-M
By Manuel Villoria and Mike Beke, Transparency International Spain In May 2011, thousands of protesters in Madrid came together to demonstrate for change in the political and economic and social system of Spain. The protests rapidly spread across the country and even crossed the border to various European cities. Organized through social media platforms, like […]
Harnessing Social Media Tools to Fight Corruption
Brynne Dunn and Dana Bekri, from the LSE Consultancy Team that prepared a report on the role of social media in the fight against corruption, reflect on their report. Upon learning that we would be researching ways social media can be used to fight corruption, we were excited to work on such an up-and-coming project […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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