Ten French presidential candidates have already publicly engaged with our chapter Transparence International France’s 7 propositions for the fight against corruption – but President Nicolas Sarkozy has not. Transparence International France is calling on him to do so, along with all remaining presidential candidates. Just after his election victory in 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy said that […]

French anti-corruption efforts coming up short

What happened at CoSP4?
The UN anti-corruption conference CoSP4 was the largest of its kind to date. The results were disappointing, writes Gillian Dell, Global Programmes Manager at Transparency International. The fourth session of the UNCAC Conference of States Parties that met in Marrakech in October 2011 (CoSP4) was the biggest ever – with over 1500 delegates from 125 […]

Building momentum from the top-down and the bottom-up – the National Integrity System way…
Suzanne Mulcahy, Research Coordinator for National Integrity Systems Assessments at Transparency International, discusses the impact this tool can have on societies. The recent publication of the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index has put the spotlight on corruption risks in countries around the globe. Raising awareness about corruption is crucial – but the next step is […]

A new chapter for governance & development? Warsaw, Busan and Beyond
From Warsaw to Busan, governance is being touted as key to development. But what does this mean for anti-corruption? Transparency International’s Craig Fagan and Benjamin Norsworthy report. December has been a busy time for policy wonks and practitioners who are hectically debating development’s flavor du jour: governance. Heads of state and civil society leaders are […]

Accountability is a vital weapon in the battle against climate change
All too often, climate finance initiatives are hampered by waste and corruption. More accountability is needed, argues Cobus de Swardt, Transparency International’s Managing Director. This article was originally published in The Guardian. World leaders meeting for this year’s climate conference in Durban will be under pressure to pool enough new funds to protect people from […]

Fighting corruption in 2011
Today’s launch of the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index, notes Christina zur Nedden of Transparency International’s Communications Department, serves as a timely occasion to reflect on our efforts to fight corruption in 2011. Corruption high on the agenda This has been a big year for anti-corruption work and public awareness of corruption has risen substantially. Unprecedented […]

Putting the corruption fight on the political agenda in France
The biggest challenge for TI France is intensifying international efforts for better governance – a prerequisite for sustainable development – at home and abroad We are making inroads. The magazine Acteurs publics gave TI France their 2010 award for best communicator in the category “associations and great causes” for our activities on lobbying regulation […]

Will EU politicians deliver on code of conduct promise?
The March 2011 cash-for-amendments sting operation, in which several European Parliament members (MEPs) were caught accepting bribes from undercover journalists posing as lobbyists, exposed glaring holes in the current European Parliament (EP) rules of procedure concerning poor ethical guidance, weak sanctions, lax rules on interest declarations and blurred, non-transparent operating procedures. These are the areas we wish […]

Hungary: Minimizing Wasted Energies
One of the articles in TI’s Global Corruption Report: Climate Change focused on lacking transparency in Hungarian policies on carbon trading. In this post, Ada Amon, director of Hungarian climate policy think tank ENERGIAKLUB reacts to that article and discusses heavily lobbied sectors can be made more accountable. Good governance is a common good, and […]

Noodles, cartoons and maps: serious anti-corruption solutions from Russia
Visiting Russia is bound to be an interesting experience for an American who lived through the Cold War. And this past week, my first trip to Moscow, has not disappointed. From the thrill of Red Square and the city’s varied architecture to the surprise – to me – appearance of countless soldiers and tanks gathered […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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