When the publication of his Treatise of Human Nature met with almost universal indifference, Scottish philosopher David Hume remarked glumly that it “fell still-born from the press”. Anthony Salz – Rothschild banker and City of London grandee – will understand those sentiments after the rather muted reaction to his own tome on human nature, a […]

A bad week at FIFA with more to come
This time two years ago a barrage of corruption scandals hit the headlines about FIFA, world football’s world governing body. At the time its president Sepp Blatter promised to start a fast track reform process to “clean house”. Two years on little has changed. This week FIFA was faced with the resignation of one executive […]

Fake bomb detectors and the latest casualties of corruption
This article was first published on Trustlaw Yesterday, the British ‘businessman’ James McCormick was found guilty of fraud for selling millions of pounds worth of utterly useless bomb detectors to governments around the world, including a major contract in Iraq. A whistleblower alleges that McCormick paid millions of pounds in bribes to at least 15 […]

The Green Climate Fund – bringing the world of ideas to the board room
The World Bank is a leading heavyweight in development investment, presiding over US$30 – $40 billion per year. Inaugurated last summer, the Green Climate Fund could soon dwarf that portfolio. It is estimated that by 2020 it will be channeling US$100 billion a year in climate finance to developing countries – to help arrest the […]

Fish fraud: why traceability matters
In a guest blog post, Beth Lowell of Oceana reports on alarming rates of fish fraud in the United States. When you go out to your favorite seafood restaurant or pick up fish from the grocery store, you expect to leave knowing that you got what you paid for. But what if the fish you […]

L’Aquila: Rebuilding lives beyond corruption
While politicians are busy recomposing the puzzle, people are struggling to make ends meet. Citizens are aware of the toll that corruption takes on their present and on their future and the youth is ready to speak up and claim its rights to fair and clean governance, as the following video shows.
France acts on asset declaration
Reposted from the Transparency International UK blog. It has been striking how far and how quickly France has moved towards asset disclosure by government ministers in recent weeks, with parliamentarians to follow if a new law is passed. Striking also that when political will exists, galvanised by public outrage, transparency is not so hard to […]

The Atlanta scandal: standardized testing and the corruption of US education
Over the past 12 years, an educational corruption scandal has been brewing in the southeastern United States. In early April it came to a head when 35 former teachers and administrators of Atlanta’s public school system – including the former superintendent – were charged by a grand jury. These individuals were indicted on 65 charges related […]

Letter to the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
In follow-up to the Rio+20 meetings in June 2012, a group of 30 countries – known as the Open Working Group (OWG) – has been tasked by the UN to propose new goals on sustainable development. The timeline for work is to coincide with broader UN discussions about what should replace the Millennium Development Goals, […]

Land grab victims speak out
The World Bank singled out Georgia for praise last year for drastically reducing petty bribery: Georgia’s success destroys the myth that corruption is cultural and gives hope to reformers everywhere who aspire to clean up their public services.” I saw a different side to the story when I was in Georgia last month to give […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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