“There is corruption in local government,” admitted President Abdel Fattah el Sisi at a presidential youth forum in Cairo in early August. “But, what can we do?” he laughed. “Sack and jail Hisham Geneina” was one sarcastic suggestion on Twitter. Geneina was the head of Egypt’s top auditing body until earlier this year when he […]

Playing with numbers won’t cure Egypt’s corruption

Three reasons why attacking Egypt’s top auditor is bad news
Putting Egypt’s top auditor on trial sends a clear message: the Egyptian government is waging a war. Not against corruption but against those who fight against it. When President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi came to power in 2013, he made fighting corruption a top priority; “There should be full trust in the monitoring bodies and their […]

الوصول إلى المعلومات: فعل جماعيّ، أصوات جماعيّة
استخدمت فروع الشفافية الدولية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والمنظمات الشريكة اليومَ العالمي للحق في المعرفة لمطالبة الحكومات بوضع موضوع الوصول إلى المعلومات على قمة أجندتها السياسية. إننا نطالب بقوانين شاملة للوصول إلى المعلومات في البلاد التي لا توجد فيها مثل هذه القوانين، وننادي على نطاق أوسع بتطبيق أكبر في البلاد التي توجد فيها القوانين بما يمكّن […]

Access to information: collective action; collective voices
Across the Middle East and North Africa, Transparency International chapters and partner organisations used the International Right to Know day to petition governments to put access to information high on the political agenda. We are calling for comprehensive access to information laws in countries where there are none and for greater implementation where laws exist […]

Three steps to (start) recovering stolen assets
It takes a long time and great deal of good will, legal procedures and paper work to return stolen assets to the countries where they belong. In April 2014, Switzerland commenced the return of US$40 million of Tunisian assets linked to the former Zine El Abidine Ben Ali regime, which had been frozen in the […]

Egypt: A new diagnosis for an old illness
This blog post is part of a series drawing on articles from the forthcoming project It Belongs to You: Public Information in the Middle East and North Africa. Behind the imposing edifice of the shiny Egyptian World Trade Centre on the corniche in Cairo lies the decrepit hospital of Boulaq Abu Ela. A rubbish heap […]

Egypt in crisis: A look at corruption figures for the last two years
Egyptians are sharply divided over the military’s recent ousting of President Morsi on the back of large-scale popular demonstrations against his rule. They are far more unified, however, in their views on what ails the country. Corruption is at the forefront of those concerns. On 9 July 2013 Transparency International released the Global Corruption Barometer […]

Troubled waters: European neighbourhood progress reports published
This post was originally published in TI-EU‘s blog. Today the EU published progress reports for its neighbourhood partner countries, which also looks at reforms in governance and anti-corruption. It is no secret that the EU’s closest neighbours generally face considerable problems of corruption in their public institutions. The 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index places almost all European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries below 50, […]

Women’s Day: Seeking justice and transparency in Egypt
To ring in International Women’s Day on 8 March, Transparency International is featuring woman corruption fighters around the world. Evronia Azer is one of these women. The coastal city of Alexandria has no shortage of everyday heroes. The activists that do not grace newspaper headlines but just go about their insistent struggle for justice on […]

Corruption: An ongoing revolution in the Arab world
The Arab world witnessed unprecedented changes with the toppling of dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya last year. The Arab Spring served to transform the anti-corruption issue from the responsibility of a few, to the preoccupation of many. In most countries in the Middle East and North Africa region, trust in government remains low, with […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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