Tracking public money in Peru can feel like chasing smoke and mirrors. The state often keeps a lid on official documents, meaning trails can lead to dead-ends. In this case the information was not missing, but some of it turned out to be false. Until recently, the city of Pajarillo was known for illegal trade […]

US$1 million for reforestation missing in Peru

Transparency International on the road of technology
US transparency activists taking part in a meeting of staff from Transparency International’s legal advice centres have written about the use of technology to fight corruption. This post was originally published in the Sunlight Foundation‘s blog and is authored by Júlia Keseru. Great news for the open government movement: Transparency International, one of the key international […]

(Anti-) Corruption in the police: progress made and pending issues
Corruption in the Peruvian police has hit the headlines for two reasons: The Peruvian authorities have decided to start a rotating system of 80% of their policemen in order for these to be more difficult to get involved in organised crime activities; between 2011 and 2012 there were 6.000 policemen being investigated for corruption. Samuel […]

Hacking against corruption
30 people, some of them friends, some others strangers, put together their skills in one place for one cause: beating corruption while having fun programming, coding, testing and, when things did not work out, starting all over again. The goal was making one good idea become reality by the end of 24 hours. In Bogotá, […]

Desde las montanas de Cusco, una llamada a la transparencia
Lo siguiente ha sido redactado por Alice Harrison, Coordinadora de Comunicaciones e Incidencia y Leah Good, Asistente del Programa de Gobernanza del Cambio Climático de Transparency International. Editado por Magaly Ávila y Samuel Rotta. Traducido por María José Harrisson. Read this blog post in English here. La parcela verduzca de la familia Huilca resalta por […]

A call for transparency from the foothills of the Andes
The following was written by Alice Harrison, Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, and Leah Good, Programme Officer, for Transparency International’s Climate Governance Integrity Programme. Lea este artículo en español aquí. The Huilca family’s plot of land is a stark green anomaly on an otherwise arid mountainside. As we survey this small vestige of fertility from above, […]

Is corruption winning in Peru?
Alejandro Salas is the Regional Director for the Americas at Transparency International. The following article was first published on Fox News Latino. Listening to Peruvian media in recent days, there is one question that keeps reappearing – is corruption winning in our country? Over half of Peru’s population perceives corruption to be the main problem […]

Climate change and corruption risks in Peru: The launch of TI’s Global Corruption Report on Climate Change in Lima
Samuel Rotta Castilla and Magaly Ávila work on the Climate Governance Integrity Programme at TI’s Peruvian chapter Proética. They talk about what TI’s Global Corruption Report on Climate Change means for Peru. Peru is one of only 17 megadiverse countries, and home to around 80 per cent of the world’s biodiversity. 50 per cent of […]

Cambio Climático y riesgos de corrupción en el Perú. El Informe Global de Corrupción sobre Cambio Climático fue presentado en Lima
Escrito por Samuel Rotta Castilla y Magaly Ávila, Proética (Transparency International Peru). Perú es uno de los 17 países considerados megadiversos en el mundo, aquellos que concentran el 80% de la biodiversidad y casi la mitad de la diversidad cultural mundial. 50% de las exportaciones peruanas provienen de la explotación de los recursos biológicos, y […]

Corruption challenges wait for Peru’s new government
Samuel Rotta Castilla, Project Coordinator for Transparency International’s Peru chapter, Proética, talks about the risks of staying offside, or the challenges of corruption for Ollanta Humala’s new government. During the past ten years, the Peruvian governments’ efforts to tackle corruption appear to have gone astray. Initially, after the fall of Fujimori, there was a strong […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
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