Imagine having to pay a bribe in order to register your marriage, get a passport, report a crime or even to claim on your medical insurance. These are just a few examples taken from over 20,000 stories shared online on the Indian website, Similar stories of petty bribery can be heard in Greece, Zimbabwe […]

What the Corruption Perceptions Index means in different languages
We will publish the 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index next Wednesday 5 December. Behind the scores are many different kinds of public sector corruption, all with their own impact on daily life. Our evidence is language. Every language has its own particular expression for abuse of power. Here are a few. In English, we refer to […]

Aid from China, India and Brazil: more transparent than the West?
The growing presence in foreign markets of emerging economies like Brazil, China and India is starting to be matched by development spending. China, for example, provided US$ 38.83 billion in “foreign aid” in 2009 – these are the most recent government figures and likely exclude other investments in development projects). Often, these countries eschew the […]

A voice against corruption in water and sanitation – community video in India
In September 2011, in the slum of Mumbai, the heavy monsoon rains were filling up sewage pipes to breakage point. The dirty waste from the burst pipes flooded the streets at an accelerated pace because of the continuous and strong rain pour. The residents of the slum had no choice but to walk those filthy […]

New remedy for parents unhappy with children’s schools
Filipino parents unhappy with the way their children’s schools are being run now have a ready remedy: sending an email or text to the website The site has a scrolling list of user complaints, ranging from a computer shortage in an elementary school to allegations – supported by a photo – that another institution […]

The Stench of Corruption in an Indian Slum
A review of a book with strong corruption themes. Next week we will run a blog post about corruption in literature. Please post your suggestions below. The stink of rotting garbage hangs over Annawadi, a Mumbai slum built on a garbage dump surrounding a sewage lake. But even more harmful to the residents of Annawadi […]

Pushing Forward G8’s Anti-Corruption Agenda
In India more than 200 million people live without secure access to food, the most of any county in the world, the Wall Street Journal reported last month. As the report argued, this is not because India lacks the resources to provide for its population. On the contrary, India’s domestic food production would be more […]

The politics of corruption in India: public goods for private gain
India continues to reel from corruption scams. First it was telecom licenses that grabbed the headlines, now it is the sale of coal highlighting the corruption at the heart of the Indian government, politics and business. In 2008, the former Telecommunications Minister of the Indian government began to issue cut-rate licenses to mobile telephony companies […]

A Green Resource Curse: rare earth metals
A global trade dispute is brewing over the rare metals inside many of our favourite technologies such as smart phones or hybrid cars. Last year, an article published in Transparency International’s Climate Change edition of the Global Corruption Report warned about the corruption risks in the countries where many of these valuable raw materials are […]

India’s state companies open up
A year of intense anti-corruption protests has put corruption issues high on the agenda in the world’s biggest democracy. While leaders have failed to deliver stronger legislation, a report from TI India shows that state-owned companies have made progress. In India, it takes over 1000 days to get a contract recognised. No wonder that bribery […]
- State Capture in South Africa 14 February 2017
What’s next for Ukraine? 16 December 2016
Cleaning up sport: conflicts of interest at the top 9 December 2016
OGP: France must do more to tackle corruption 9 December 2016
Pharma companies in Slovakia: Uncovering conflicts of interest 9 December 2016
Nokubonga Ndima: Young people can make a change for a better future...
Benjamin M: Very good article! Congrats!...
arun kottur: In India sports minister was involved decades are ...
Ekonomi: Very beneficial article. Thank you very much. htt...
ksweeney1: I do not agree that
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